Monday, May 26, 2008

Five Amazing Years With the Man of My Dreams!

This Wednesday, May 28th, will be our 5 year anniversary. We decided to celebrate this weekend so we dropped the kids off with Dale and Shauna (thanks again!)and headed to Park City for some shopping. I think we walked into every single store at the Outlets! Then we headed to the Hotel Park City where we enjoyed some much needed rest and relaxation. We had the most amazing dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I am not kidding when I say it was the best steak I have ever had. Brock was trying to eat his slowly so that he could savor every last bite. It was delish! It was so funny because we both couldn't wait to get back to the hotel room where the bed looked so comfy and soft, and we were both so excited to get an entire night's sleep with no interruptions from little Nixon. I seriously was so excited to sleep! Sad, but true. I guess that's what happens when your days are filled with a two and a half year old and a 2 and half month old! It was so great to have a real conversation with just Brock. Another thing we don't get to do very often. Then, yesterday, we tried to lay out by the pool, but as you can probably guess, it was a little too chilly, so we went to see Iron Man. We both really enjoyed it. Then back home to real life.

The song playing on the blog right now is called True Companion and it is the song we had our "first dance" to on our wedding day. I love it. I have been so blessed in my life. When I look back at the last 5 amazing years I can't help but thank my Heavenly Father for everything. I can't even narrow it down to a few things. I have the most wonderful husband, and two healthy, happy baby boys. Or as Jace would say, a big boy and a teeny boy. I love my life.

I want to thank Brock for being so good to me. He compliments me so well. He makes me feel so special, and needed, and so loved. He is so good at being a dad. The second Brock walks in the door from work Jace yells Daddy! and runs to him, and Brock plays and plays all night. He is such a hard worker and takes his "job" as the provider for our family very seriously. He does everything he can to make us happy. This has truly been the best 5 years, well, almost 7 since we met, of my life. I told Brock that I have been married to him for one fifth of my life! That is a lot! I am so grateful that we found each other, and I am looking forward to many, many more years together!
Happy Anniversary Babe!

Happy Mother's Day!

I know I am so late, but better late than never right? I made those cute little fruit flower bouquets for my mom and Shauna, and they turned out okay. Brock told me I should do a practice run, but of course I said Naaaaa. Once I got started, I realized that yes, I should've done a practice run. Anyway, I hope they both know how much they are loved and appreciated. You both deserve the world, but unfortunately I can't afford the world yet! Happy Mother's Month!

Tobi Sanders

My mom. Happy Mother's Day mom. I love you so much and I am so lucky to be your daughter. I have learned so much from you and your amazing example. Thank you for being so willing to help after my babies were born. I can't tell you how nice it was to have you stay with me and take care of me. I have loved spending more time with you lately, chatting, golfing, shopping, eating, etc. You are a wonderful mother, and I am sorry it took me so long to get a post up about you. I love you!

Shauna Keddington

This is my sweet mother in law. I have been so blessed to get to know her over these last 6 and a half years. She is so good to me and my boys. Jace loves to play at Gwamma's house and loves to go to school where she is his teacher. Thank you Shauna for raising such a wonderful son into an amazing man. Thank you for always being so willing to help in any way we need (especially with the kids). I have the best mother-in-law. Thank you! And, Happy (late) Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bees Game

Hey, if anyone is looking for something to do tomorrow (Thursday, the 8th), my sister Julia is singing the National Anthem at the Bees Game. It starts at 6:30 and tickets are pretty cheap. It's going to be lots of fun! Hope to see you there!