Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a Blast!

I just rolled in after a short trip to Vegas, and a long drive back. Tuesday morning around 9:00, Nixon and I left to go pick up my dad. We got his stuff and left to go pick up Jenn Phillips. We gassed up the car and headed out to St. George around 10:00. We arrived after a very easy trip (thank you Jenn for sitting in the back with Nixon and keeping him company!) and chatted with Nolan and Treo, and got to see their sweet 9 day old Jaylee. We went to the Pizza Factory (a must in St. George right?) for dinner and then headed out around 7:30 to make the rest of the drive to Las Vegas. We checked in to the hotel and then my dad went to the airport to pick up Julia and her friend Paige. We pretty much just went to bed that night.
Wednesday morning was the day of the show and we were to be at Caesar's Palace by 6:30 AM, but it was first come first serve so we decided to leave at 5:00 AM. When we got there we were kind of nervous because there were so many people already there. We were hoping we would make it in. We ended up being about 200 out of 375 people they let in, and we felt so bad for the 150 or so people that didn't get in. Especially the next people in line, suckers. Anyway, we were walking in, just following the people in front of us, when someone who worked for the show asked me how many people in my group. I told her four, and she said, "Follow me." When she started walking us to the front of the whole audience we started getting excited. She said, "We want you four to be in the shot when Jessica Simpson is singing. Inside I was like WOO HOO! But I acted cool, like, oh, of course you do. We took our seats in the VIP area, but unfortunately they only had 3 seats together and one alone. Paige generously took the seat 3 rows from the front in the center aisle, while the 3 of us sat a few rows behind her. Julia was a little upset because there was a huge camera set up right in front of her, she thought, this is going to be bad. Then, the camera man stood up right in front of her, and only made it worse. Luckily, after the first segment he completely moved out of her way. Just in time for Jessica to come out. It was so fun to see all of them in person. Then, after they talked to her, they went to commercial and moved us to the front and center while she sang. We never saw a camera get us, but it was so awesome to be 5 feet from her while she sang her new country song "Come on Over"which is what you're hearing right now. Then we got to see a little piece from "O" one of the shows there, and then Rita Rudner, a comedian with a show in Vegas. It was so much fun. Then, after the show, a bunch of ladies came up to me and said, "Okay, what are you, Jessica's sister, her cousin?" I told them neither, and they were shocked. They thought I looked a lot like her, and they figured that that was why we were getting such good treatment! It was awesome.
We went back to our hotel, where Nixon had finally fallen asleep after refusing to take the bottle and giving my poor dad a hard time. I felt so bad. We got to see the show on TV, and all we ever saw was the back of ourselves. Oh well, it was so much fun. Then we went to the pool for about an hour, and decided it was just too hot to even do that. I am so glad I don't live there. We went back, showered, and were going to go shopping, but fell asleep. Remember, we had been up since 4 AM! We met up with my cousin Candice, who is going to dental school there, and went to the Cheesecake Factory. I know, I know, we have one now, but I still love it. We were going to stay and go shopping at Fashion Show Mall, but again, we were all sooooo tired. We just headed back and went to bed. Then all the girls had to get up early again to leave by 6 to get to the airport while Nixon and I slept in. My dad and I headed out at about 10:00 and went to St. George again to see the kids. We went to lunch with Nolan and then headed home.
I just need to take a second to tell all of you what an amazing dad I have. He dropped everything (and for a retired person, there was a lot to drop!) and drove out with me just so I could have a babysitter while I was at the show. I am so lucky to have such a great dad. I am sure Nixon wasn't too much fun, since he wouldn't take the bottle, and what guy wants to go to Vegas on a girl's trip, and listen to us for 3 days straight?! Thank you so much dad. I love you more than you know.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm going to the View in Las Vegas!

Okay, so I am going to Vegas tomorrow because I got tickets to The View in Las Vegas for Wednesday. I am so excited! So everybody watch at 11:00 on Wednesday, Jessica Simpson is on so it should be good, and try to find me, Jenn Phillips, my sister Julia, and her friend Paige. Woo Hoo!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

2 for $20 at Raging Waters

Everyone needs to come to Raging waters tomorrow, the 20th. Its half off on the 20th of every month. It'll be fun!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome Jaylee Joy Sanders

This past weekend Me, Brock, the kids, and Brock's sister Kallie, her husband Brett, and their baby went to San Diego to go to the U.S. Open. It was a short trip, and a LOT of driving, but we had a great time. On our way there and back, we stopped at Nolan and Treo's house in St. George to break up the driving. They have such a beautiful house. Treo is such a good decorator. Sorry Nolan, I know it wasn't you that made your house so cute. Anyway, Treo had an appointment to get her labor started on Saturday night, 3 weeks early due to some complications, and we were hoping that she would deliver before we had to head back to Salt Lake. I called Nolan at the hospital at about 10 in the morning on Sunday to see how it was going and he said that they were still just waiting. They would be giving her petosin in the next little while. I figured there was no chance she would be born in the next few hours, so we decided to get ready to leave. At about 11:30 we called Nolan to tell him goodbye and thanks for letting us stay at his house, and he said that she was getting ready to start pushing! We were so excited! We decided to go to lunch before leaving to see if it was going to go quickly or not. About half an hour later Nolan called and said she had arrived. We quickly drove to the hospital and got to see the sweet baby girl. She weighed in at a hefty 5 lbs, 15 oz., and was 19 inches long. It was so crazy to see a baby smaller than Nixon. He is almost 4 months now, so of course she was smaller, but my gosh, she was tiny! Congratulations to the new parents, and on Father's Day, none the less.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Come get your RAGE on!

To everyone reading this I say get a season pass to Raging Waters this summer! Jenn (Littlewood) Phillips and I have, and it is going to be so much fun! They are only $70 and kids under 3 are free! It costs like $25 to go once, so if you go 3 times you have already gotten your money's worth. It would be so fun to see all of you there! Come on, you know you want to! They have a fun kids area, a lazy river, and the wave pool for the kids, and of course all the sweet rides for us. Anyway, that is my plug for the Rage. Hope to see you all there.

The Abc's About Jennie

A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friend: Besides Brock, of course, I have to say my mom and my sister
C-Cake or Pie: Cake
D-Day: Friday because I know I get the next two days with Brock, and he takes the baby in the mornings and lets me sleep in. Thanks babe!
E- Essential Item: Diaper bag nowadays.
F- Favorite Color: I really like purple
G-Gummy Bears or Worms: mmmmm, worms.
H-Home town: Sandy, UT
I- Indulgences: Symphonycandy bars with almonds and toffee, steak from Ruth's Chris
J- January or July?: July
K-Kids: 2 boys. Jace is 2 and a half, Nixon is 3 months
L-Life is incomplete without:My family and friends. I love to be surrounded by the people I love
M- Marriage Date: May 28, 2003. Wow, how time flies.
N- Number of Siblings: 3 brothers and 1 sister but now I also have a brother-in-law and 5 sisters-in-law! I love that my family gets bigger by the minute!
O- Oranges or Apples: I love to eat apples, and I love to drink orange juice
P- Phobias or Fears: Spiders, earthquakes (I should say, the thought that an earthquake could happen at any moment), losing someone close to me.
Q- Quote: "That Fithee!" said by Jace when he took a sip of a carbonated drink. It was so funny. He has a hard time saying anything starting with sp ... spiderman comes out fiderman, and he also has the cutest dang lisp, so spicy came out fithee. I love this kid.
R- Reason To Smile: I have a great life. Sometimes I need to be reminded that I have nothing to be sad about.
S- Season: Summer fo sho! I hate the freezing snowy crap we have to go through in Utah! I want to move to Hawaii!
T- Tag Three: Naaaaa
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I desperately wish I could dance. Every time I watch So You Think You Can Dance, I literally get sick to my stomach with envy. Same with American Idol. I always wish it was me up there.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: As I said above about the steak, I love me some meat.
W- Worst Habit: Picking my face. I could do it for hours, just making up stuff to pick at. Brock would say picking his face is my worst habit. Sorry again.
Z: Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I just want to say I hope you have a great 31st birthday! Too bad its kind of a gloomy day. I love you so much and look forward to many more birthday celebrations together!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What a Wonderful Weekend

This past weekend was busy, fun-filled, and spiritual. Friday night we had a baby shower for Nolan's wife Treo. She is due on the 4th of July, but because of some complications they will be taking her some time before the 20th of June. She and Nolan drove up from St. George and we were able to get together and give her a shower. It was fun to talk to everyone and enjoy some yummy food.
Then, Saturday, Brock and I spent most of the day getting our house ready for Nixon's blessing. We were able to get mostly everything ready before heading out to another shower for our friends Chance and Nicole. We had a BBQ at a park for that one, and again, it was fun to spend time with some of Brock's friends that we don't see very often. Then off to the temple for Julia's Endowment session. No, she isn't getting married (and she's single if you know anyone good), and no, she isn't going on a mission. She just felt like it was time. It was really great, and the spirit was strong. What a special thing to be a part of.
Then, Sunday we had our sweet Nixon blessed. He is three months now, but the last couple of months we had other family members blessing their babies and wanted to wait so Nixon could have his own day. Brock gave such a beautiful blessing. The bishop got up afterwards and said that he had to confess that he peaked down at him during the blessing and he was just staring up at Brock the whole time, with a big smile on his face. Then Brock said the same thing. He said that he wanted to look at Nixon so he could feel like he was really talking to him and so that he would know what to say, and Nixon just looked at him and smiled. I wish I could have seen that. It was followed by some yummy food, and good conversation at our house. It was such a beautiful day. We are such a blessed family and have so much to be thankful for.

Julia went through the Temple

This last Saturday, Julia went through the Jordan River Temple to have her Endowment taken out. It was such a beautiful night, and the spirit was really strong. It was great to look around the room and see so many family members and friends there to celebrate her. She is an amazing person, and has really grown into a beautiful young woman. I am very proud of her. I kept telling her how crazy she is. Who wants to wear garments any longer than they have to right? She is obviously a much better person than I am.