Monday, August 31, 2009
Having a 3 Year Old Sure Keeps You Humble!
We have a scale on our bathroom floor that we all weigh ourselves on just about daily. Jace loves to get on, see the 34, and yell "Sirty-four!? I am such a big boy!" Well the other day I got on to check myself out, and Jace asked how much I was. I told him 99 pounds (okay, we all know that's not real, but one can wish). He looked at me and said, "WHOA! That is a lot of food! I've never eaten that much food!" No Jace, you haven't. But one day, you just wait. You will have eaten WAY more food than that! Then, the other day after weighing myself, he asked again, I told him the same, and this time he said, "You sure are a big girl!" Gotta love my Jace.
Friday, August 28, 2009
S'mores in the Backyard
We bought a little firepit a couple of years ago with the idea of sitting out on our back deck relaxing underneath the stars in the light of a beautiful fire. Until Monday night, it had never happened! We decided that we should have Brock's family over for some yummy s'mores. Once Brock and Dale got the fire going, it was chocolatey, graham-crackery, marshmallowy goodness. Thanks to his family for supplying the goods! It was a beautiful night.
A Capellastock 2009
My sister Julia is in a group called Mountain Blue. They are an a Capella group that sings religious songs with a bluegrass kind of feel. They are really really good, and were asked to open for A Capellastock this year. They did a really great job, and the concert was a really good time. Here are some pictures.
Here is one of the emcees introducing them.

Here are some of the group in action.

Jace snapped this close up.

And this was about the cutest thing ever! We were sitting there chatting away after Julia's group had just finished, and this cute little boy came up to her with his program and said, "You sing real good. Can I have your autograph?" We all just about died! The first of many to come! Justin even told the little guy to keep it safe, because its going to be worth a lot of money some day!

Here is one of the emcees introducing them.

Here are some of the group in action.

Jace snapped this close up.

And this was about the cutest thing ever! We were sitting there chatting away after Julia's group had just finished, and this cute little boy came up to her with his program and said, "You sing real good. Can I have your autograph?" We all just about died! The first of many to come! Justin even told the little guy to keep it safe, because its going to be worth a lot of money some day!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
New York, New York!
I just got back from a fun-filled, jam-packed trip to New York. My mom, who lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for work had a week-long training course in NY, so my sister Julia and I decided to make a trip out of it. We flew into JFK on Saturday around 3:30, and took a cab to Grand Central Station, then a train to New Canaan, CT where my mom was waiting with my cousin Jamie who lives there. My mom had arrived Friday morning, and was still adjusting to the 12 hour time difference! We had dinner at Jamie's house, spent time with her family that night picking raspberries to put on icecream, jumping on the trampoline, and just chatting. We went to church with them on Sunday, and it was fun to have Sunday school with Glen Beck, and the owner of Jet Blue who are both in her ward!), had a delicious dinner, and then it was off to the city. Thanks so much to Trent, Jamie, and all the kids for letting us impose. You were all such gracious hosts!
Here we are on the porch in the backyard. They have such a beautiful home.

Sunday night my mom had a meeting she had to be at, so Julia and I called our cousin Jessica to come see us. She lives in New Jersey with her brand new husband Bryan. He plays football for the Giants, and had just left that morning for a three week training camp in Albany. She took us all around the city (whether that was on purpose, or because we couldn't figure out how to enter addresses in her GPS, you'll never know!). We went over the Brooklyn Bridge, saw some beautiful sights, and then got to even see the Bronx. Oops. Then we met my mom in Manhattan for dinner at Cafe Lalo. Best carrot cake ever!
Here are Julia and I with the Brooklyn Bridge and the New York skyline behind us. And some other pretty shots of the bridge.

Monday Julia and I went to Central Park. Here is a picture of us with the beautiful trees behind us. Oh wait, our big heads take up the whole picture! It was after we had done this a few times that we decided to take a picture of just one of us at a time so that we would actually see some background!

Then we made our way to Time Square. Julia hadn't ever been to NY, so we decided to pack in as much as we could. Here is one of Julia in front of Trump International Hotel.

We found a Sephora on our walk, and came out looking a little different.

Then, after a little more walking, and a quick stop for a pedicure, we made it to 42nd street!

We saw a bunch of these guys on the street, and Julia has always wanted one, so we stopped. Too bad it doesn't really look like her! Oh well, it was fun!

We then had to go to the M&M, and Hershey stores to pick up some gifts for people. At the Hershey store they have this really cool machine that poors out every kind of candy they have into a bucket. You buy the bucket, and then they push a big button, and it starts pouring all kinds of candy. The bucket was overflowing at the end and a bunch fell to the ground. All these people ran over to get whatever they could. I kind of wanted to yoink it out of their hands since, technically, I had paid for it. But I resisted since most of them were kids!

Then it was off to the Metropolitan Museum. My boys would have loved it there. I got some fun pictures in honor of them. In front of a huge whale, Julia with a giant squid, and me, sitting pretty in a clam shell. Real mature.

Here I am daydreaming while looking out the window. The truth is, I was imagining Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer all having a conversation in one of the apartments.

That night, we went to dinner in Little Italy, and then Julia and I rode the Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island and back. It was really pretty at night.

Tuesday was mostly dedicated to shopping. We got a cab to SOHO and spent most of the day walking the streets there. Once again, we found a Sephora, but this time we went a little crazy. Julia wishes she could go there every day before work to get ready.

Then it was off to dinner and to see Mary Poppins. We had heard such great things about the play, so we decided to go. I will just say, it was pretty good. I love to go to the plays in New York and be blown away. Covered head to toe in goosebumps, and marvel at the dancing. None of that happened. At intermission I said that I was kind of disappointed, and the others agreed. (the others being my mom, Julia, and my cousin Jessica who came to see us again) I will admit though, that the second half of the show was really good. And it has a really great message. "Anything can happen if you let it."
Jessica had to wake up early the next morning, and we still had one more stop we wanted to make so she went home. Serendipity 3. I'm sure you've all heard about their famous Frozen Hot Chocolate. Well, it didn't disappoint. It was delicious! My only complaint is that it was like 11:30 at night, and we were not very hungry so we all just wanted to share. The waiter, oh so pleasantly, pointed to a tiny square on the HUGE menu that said each guest has to spend $8.95 minimum. LAME! Well, we forced ourselves to try a Frozen Pineapple Lime, and my mom ordered a seafood crepe.
Here we are behind the GIGANTIC menus.

Mom and Julia enjoying the drinks.

Me sipping away at the very tart pineapple lime, followed by a massive BRAIN FREEZE! Okay, so this one was fake, but you can imagine!

We got home around 12:30am, and packed up since our flight left at 6:30am the next day. We went to bed around 1:00, and our wakeup call rang at 4:00AM! We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare, and then sat on the plane for an hour while they tried to fix some electrical problems. We were finally off, and now we are back home in the real world, missing our mom who had to stay there for training through the rest of the week, and then will return to Malaysia. We had so much fun, and miss you already mom! Love you both so much, and lets do this again!
Here we are on the porch in the backyard. They have such a beautiful home.

Sunday night my mom had a meeting she had to be at, so Julia and I called our cousin Jessica to come see us. She lives in New Jersey with her brand new husband Bryan. He plays football for the Giants, and had just left that morning for a three week training camp in Albany. She took us all around the city (whether that was on purpose, or because we couldn't figure out how to enter addresses in her GPS, you'll never know!). We went over the Brooklyn Bridge, saw some beautiful sights, and then got to even see the Bronx. Oops. Then we met my mom in Manhattan for dinner at Cafe Lalo. Best carrot cake ever!
Here are Julia and I with the Brooklyn Bridge and the New York skyline behind us. And some other pretty shots of the bridge.

Monday Julia and I went to Central Park. Here is a picture of us with the beautiful trees behind us. Oh wait, our big heads take up the whole picture! It was after we had done this a few times that we decided to take a picture of just one of us at a time so that we would actually see some background!

Then we made our way to Time Square. Julia hadn't ever been to NY, so we decided to pack in as much as we could. Here is one of Julia in front of Trump International Hotel.

We found a Sephora on our walk, and came out looking a little different.

Then, after a little more walking, and a quick stop for a pedicure, we made it to 42nd street!

We saw a bunch of these guys on the street, and Julia has always wanted one, so we stopped. Too bad it doesn't really look like her! Oh well, it was fun!

We then had to go to the M&M, and Hershey stores to pick up some gifts for people. At the Hershey store they have this really cool machine that poors out every kind of candy they have into a bucket. You buy the bucket, and then they push a big button, and it starts pouring all kinds of candy. The bucket was overflowing at the end and a bunch fell to the ground. All these people ran over to get whatever they could. I kind of wanted to yoink it out of their hands since, technically, I had paid for it. But I resisted since most of them were kids!

Then it was off to the Metropolitan Museum. My boys would have loved it there. I got some fun pictures in honor of them. In front of a huge whale, Julia with a giant squid, and me, sitting pretty in a clam shell. Real mature.

Here I am daydreaming while looking out the window. The truth is, I was imagining Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer all having a conversation in one of the apartments.

That night, we went to dinner in Little Italy, and then Julia and I rode the Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island and back. It was really pretty at night.

Tuesday was mostly dedicated to shopping. We got a cab to SOHO and spent most of the day walking the streets there. Once again, we found a Sephora, but this time we went a little crazy. Julia wishes she could go there every day before work to get ready.

Then it was off to dinner and to see Mary Poppins. We had heard such great things about the play, so we decided to go. I will just say, it was pretty good. I love to go to the plays in New York and be blown away. Covered head to toe in goosebumps, and marvel at the dancing. None of that happened. At intermission I said that I was kind of disappointed, and the others agreed. (the others being my mom, Julia, and my cousin Jessica who came to see us again) I will admit though, that the second half of the show was really good. And it has a really great message. "Anything can happen if you let it."
Jessica had to wake up early the next morning, and we still had one more stop we wanted to make so she went home. Serendipity 3. I'm sure you've all heard about their famous Frozen Hot Chocolate. Well, it didn't disappoint. It was delicious! My only complaint is that it was like 11:30 at night, and we were not very hungry so we all just wanted to share. The waiter, oh so pleasantly, pointed to a tiny square on the HUGE menu that said each guest has to spend $8.95 minimum. LAME! Well, we forced ourselves to try a Frozen Pineapple Lime, and my mom ordered a seafood crepe.
Here we are behind the GIGANTIC menus.

Mom and Julia enjoying the drinks.

Me sipping away at the very tart pineapple lime, followed by a massive BRAIN FREEZE! Okay, so this one was fake, but you can imagine!

We got home around 12:30am, and packed up since our flight left at 6:30am the next day. We went to bed around 1:00, and our wakeup call rang at 4:00AM! We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare, and then sat on the plane for an hour while they tried to fix some electrical problems. We were finally off, and now we are back home in the real world, missing our mom who had to stay there for training through the rest of the week, and then will return to Malaysia. We had so much fun, and miss you already mom! Love you both so much, and lets do this again!
Here are a few pictures of my sweet Nixon over the last few weeks. Just love him so much!
Jammin' to some sweet tunes

One of his favorite things to do lately is go in Jace's room, and take every single book off of his book shelf one by one. I guess he just wants to find the perfect book. He does this about once a day. Twice, if I clean up too early in the day!

And this was just today. He had finished eating his lunch, and was just watching me fold laundry in the living room. Next thing I know, he's asleep. Jace never did that! So cute!

Jammin' to some sweet tunes

One of his favorite things to do lately is go in Jace's room, and take every single book off of his book shelf one by one. I guess he just wants to find the perfect book. He does this about once a day. Twice, if I clean up too early in the day!

And this was just today. He had finished eating his lunch, and was just watching me fold laundry in the living room. Next thing I know, he's asleep. Jace never did that! So cute!

More Summer Fun
A couple of weeks ago Nolan, Treo, and Jaylee came to town for a cousin's wedding, and they decided to make a week out of it. They got a place in Park City for the weekend, and Brock, the boys, and I decided to go along. There was a little place with a bunch of bouncy houses and slides and Jace had such a blast. He must have gone down the slide with King Kong on top about a million times! Then, last week Brock's sister Kallie and I decided to take the boys to Kangaroo Zoo. There is one right by my house in NSL. They all had so much fun. Here is a slide show!
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