So yesterday, just as I was about to take a nap, I felt like my water broke and when I looked down on the bed it was blood. I ran to the bathroom, and made Jace go wake up Brock from his Sunday afternoon nap to get ready to go to the hospital. I have to admit, I was so so scared. I am 35 weeks, so I'm sure the baby would be just fine if I did have to deliver, but seeing blood just made me really nervous. We dropped the boys off at Brock's parent's house and were on our way. When we got there, the nurse hooked me up to the monitors, and the baby's heart rate was perfect, my blood pressure was great, and all seemed to be okay, besides the bleeding, which hadn't completely stopped, and the contractions that were about every 2 minutes. My doctor was off (of course) and the doctor on call was delivering a baby a couple of doors down, so we just had to wait. As I laid there, I couldn't help but to think of my sweet friend Talitha, who just 4 or 5 months ago lost her baby at 35 weeks. I was still pretty scared. I called a few people, including my parents who were about to leave for work (they are 14 hours ahead of us in Malaysia) just to let them know what was going on. I couldn't help but think that just the day before I had finally given in and gone shopping for this little one (a stroller, new diaper genie, lots of the cutest clothes you've ever seen...etc) and I had jinxed myself. I realized that other than that shopping, we have done NOTHING for this little one. We don't even have a name! The nursery is still blue, oh, and there is still a little boy living in it. We haven't moved Nixon to Jace's room. We haven't even gotten the baby car seat out, the pack and play that she will be in for the first little while, nothing. I started to get kind of stressed. This is all probably why I was having contractions when I got there. Anyway, the doctor came in after about an hour and a half and checked me. I am dilated to a 2, but only about 30 or 40% effaced, so he wasn't too worried. He said that because of my low-lying placenta, bleeding is pretty normal. I should go in if I bleed again, just to make sure everything is okay, but he wasn't too worried. He made me stay another half hour to make sure the contractions didn't come back, and said to take it easy (whatever that means) for the next couple of days until I could talk to my doctor. I have been feeling a little crampy, and some pressure today, but I think everything is good for now. I will talk to my doctor at my appointment tomorrow and see what she thinks. I had Brock give me a blessing yesterday, and I have just seen such an outpouring of kindness and generosity already. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law both offered to watch the boys today, Julia called to see if she could do anything, one neighbor called to see if she could take the boys or bring us dinner, while another called to see if we needed lunch, and another asked if she could watch the boys. I am just so grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful people. I know that everything is going to be okay, and while I hope this little girl stays put for at least a couple more weeks, I feel comfort in knowing that if she does make her appearance earlier than that, everything will be okay. Thanks to everyone who has offered help, or kind words, and I will keep you posted!