For Nixon's birthday this year, we had our families over for appetizers and cake and ice cream. We always have an Oscar party with Brock's family, where we all bring a bunch of appetizers, and watch the Oscars. Since they were on last night, we combined parties! It was really fun.
Nixon got a little confused with holidays, and has been saying for weeks now that he wants to be Batman for his birthday. He did not forget about it, and kept saying any time we mentioned his birthday. Needless to say, we had a Batman themed party!
Here he is seeing his Batman cake for the first time.

Super excited!

Here are just some shots of everyone at the party.

Present time!

This was a Spiderman toy. You have to imagine hearing Nixon yelling, "It's Spider may-an!" It was so cute!

Uncle Justin and Aunt Maria got the same present as Aunt Natalie did! An Awesome Batman village thing. Jace told Nixon that he was so lucky he got two, that way he could have one too!
So, you know what's hard to find in February? A batman costume! Brock looked everywhere for about a week straight! He went to every store, everywhere, and really had no luck. He said there was every super hero mask except Batman! He finally ended up borrowing this costume from a friend, and had to spray paint a Wolverine mask black. Nixon couldn't have been happier, and wore it all day! Brock is seriously the best dad! He had to make sure his big boy got everything he wanted on his big day!

Here is the cake. The topper even comes off, and is a fun toy!
Nixon was so cute while we were singing to him. He just stood there, kind of swaying back and forth singing right along with us.

Mommy and Daddy with our big boy!
This morning, for his actual birthday, Nixon woke up to 3 balloons hanging from his ceiling. This is a tradition we have brought from Brock's family. The boys just love it.
Don't mind Brock's sweaty shirt in these pictures. He had just finished his work out!
I took cupcakes to school with Nixon, and though I wasn't there to see, Shauna told me that he was so sweet while everyone was singing to him. He had started eating his cupcake, and when everyone started singing, he stopped eating and just stood there listening. Then as soon as they were done he said, "Thanks guys!" What a cutie!
Then, after work we took Nixon, Jace, and Beckett to Kangaroo Zoo. His other cousins couldn't come because they had gymnastics. The boys had so much fun, as they always do. It's so nice having a fun place like this right around the corner! Apparently, we only got pictures of Nixon and Beckett though!