Jace was just a little excited!

Checking out their new toys. Gotta love bed head!

Then the hunt for eggs began.

Daddy had to help Jace with this one. It was a little too high.

The Easter bunny even hid their basket! They found it in the pantry. Jace was so excited when he saw that the Easter bunny brought him Epic Mickey for the Wii. He yelled out, "Epic Mickey! I forgot I wanted this!" Luckily for him, the Easter bunny remembered! (even though, I guess he didn't need to!)
Nixon was just excited because Jace was so excited. He yelled out, "Yes! Epic Mickey!" He hasn't played it every day since Sunday like Jace has though.

Leila joined us about an hour later, and was happy to get in on all the fun!

She's so excited! Love the toothy smile!
After church, we headed over to Grandma Bills house for a yummy Easter dinner of ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, Grandma B's famous orange rolls, and, of course, deviled eggs. We had to get an Easter picture of the whole fam. I picked out everyones outfits to coordinate, and didn't mention it to Brock, so when he walked out of the closet with a green tie on I made him go change it to blue to match! I know, matchy matchy. I love it!

I love my beautiful family!

I love my beautiful family!

And of course, I had to get a mother/daughter picture!

Olive fingers! It's just part of being a kid right?

In putting this post together, I am noticing that I take way more pictures of Leila than the boys. It is my goal from here on out, to even that out! I really don't love her more, I just love her clothes more!

I used to always wonder why people would change their daughters out of their adorable Sunday dresses as soon as church was over. I just love seeing Leila in a pretty dress. The picture below explains it. She can't crawl! Her dress gets stuck underneath her, and she can't move very well. She kept getting so mad!