Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Another Year Has Gone

Okay, so I guess everybody's doing it, so I will too. 2007 flew by just like every year before. Brock has been steadily working for Spring Communications, and loving it. While I, on the other hand, have jumped from Delta, to staying home, to working at the University of Utah Hospital. I made the hard decision to quit working for Delta Air Lines after 5 and 1/2 years. I quit in May and wanted to take the summer off to play with Jace. The scheduling there is so demanding since they are open 24/7/365, and even though 5 years seems like a lot, you don't get weekends and holidays off until you've been working there for at least 10 or 15 years. I decided it was more important to get back to going to church every week, and be home with Jace.
I really have been wanting to get a tattoo, so for my 25th birthday Brock and I did it! It hurt really bad, but we are happy with the results. Brock got a J intertwined with the infinity sign on the inside of his left bicep, and I got a star with the letter B in it on the left side of my left foot. How romantic right!?
Jace and I got season passes to Cherry Hill and went about 2 or 3 times every week. It was a lot of fun all summer.
In June I found out that I was pregnant again. Luckily, Brock and I are pretty blessed in the baby making area. We wanted our babies 2 and 1/2 years apart, and that they will be. We both hoped for another boy (I guess we would have been happy with a girl) and found out shortly after that a boy we were having! Yay! Brock's sister Kallie is due in February, me in March, and my brother Nolan's wife Treo is due in July, so lots of cousins for Jace.
I decided after summer was over that maybe I wanted to go back to work part time. Kallie works in the Plastic Surgery Department at the Univ. Hospital and said they were looking for someone part time so I jumped on it! Hello BOOB JOB! Just kidding! I work there twice a week for 5 or 6 hours a day. I know, really hard. Jace gets to go to Grandma Shauna's school while I work, and he loves it. I do love to see him get excited and yell MOMMY! when I get there to pick him up. Its one of my favorite things.
We've had a few close calls this year. A few months back Jace was walking on the treadmill with Grandma, luckily just 1 mile and hour, and his fingers got caught up in it. Just his pinky and ring finger, and since it was going so slow, and grandma acted so quickly to turn it off, no lasting affects. Just some scrapes. Then, and unfortunately, I have to blame this one on myself, I was in the shower and Jace thought it would be fun to open all the drawers on our dresser. Well, it got a little top heavy and tipped over dropping our 80 pound t.v. right on top of him. I jumped out of the shower, soaking wet, threw the t.v. off of him and he was crying, I was crying holding him, making sure there was no blood. Not only was there no blood, but no marks whatsoever. Over the next few days we waited for bruises to show up, but nothing. Wow! Blessed again.
Then just a few weeks ago, on our way to meet my family in Midway, we were hit by a huge truck while going probably 70 mph on the freeway. He hit our back right bumper which sent us fishtailing and then slammed head first into the median. We slid sideways for about 50 yards or so. The airbags went off and seatbelts kept us all safe. I hurt my knee somehow, maybe on the dashboard, and Brock hurt his thumb when his airbag deployed. I was really afraid for my baby since the seatbelt hit so hard right on my stomach so they had an ambulance come. Jace on the other hand was fine. He was a little shaken up and scared like Brock and I were. And again, after a couple of hours being monitered at the hospital we found out that I was fine, the baby was doing great, and we lucked out again. The first thing the cops and the witnesses said was that someone must have said their prayers, because they could not believe that our Jeep didn't roll. We have been so blessed.
We had really great holidays and ate way too much. The fact that I am 7 months pregnant didn't help. I just kept telling myself that I am going to get fat anyway, I may as well eat everything in sight! I have already gained 28 pounds! I am well on my way to surpass the 40 pounds from my first. Hopefully I'll lose it all again.
Well, that is our year. I hope this one is less eventful.
P.S. Until we get our computer fixed I won't be able to post pictures, so hopefully we'll do it soon.


  1. lady i am glad you jumped on the band wagon an decded to blogg, it's super fun plus when you put pictures up they will be fun for me to look at I am excited to see you on thur, I sent the address of my sisters house to your email

  2. It was fun to read about your last year. It sounds like you've made some great decisions for your family. I'm excited to hear stories about this year. Now with blogging hopefully we can keep in even better contact, but that doesn't mean less phone calls. It's always good to hear your voice too. :) With every year comes good and bad, but with that comes experience. You will be a great mom to 2 boys! What an adventure! We're excited to hear all about it!! XOXO

  3. wahoo, I am so happy you are also blogging! I don't know how you find the time, but am glad you are doing it. see ya tomorrow!

  4. Hey! I too am glad to see you started blogging, it's pretty fun! I can't wait to see your pictures, it was fun to get together today, we need to do that consistently. Oh and thanks for bringing Kyler's beanie!

  5. hey jenny & brock! its jill(porter)& paul harkness! "i'll see your 5 and raise you 10"! hows it going?! i found your blog off of hopping, and im so glad i did. its great to hear that youre doing good and that your all safe after all those things couldve been bad. congrats on another baby!! you guys look great, what a gorgeous family. jace is such a cute boy. we'd love to hear from you. tell justin & maria hi. jillandpaul.blogspot.com
    good luck with the last stage of pregnancy, and feel free to eat all you want! you are so tiny and got back to you pre-preg size the first time! lucky you!
