Monday, January 28, 2008

Getting To Know You


A. The rules are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names; then goes to there blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged.

10 years ago:
I was about to turn 16. My birthday is February 22, so my parents decided to let me go to Sweetheart's Dance since I was so close to turning 16. I went with Danny Gutierrez! HA HA! I was cheerleading, and loving every minute of being a sophomore in High School.

Snacks I enjoy:
I love pink lady apples. I think I have had one every day since I became pregnant. I love chocolate and can not get enough (hence the 30 lb. weight gain so far this pregnancy). And I love pepperoncini peppers. They are the ones in the salad at Olive Garden. I have a jar of them in my refrigerator all the time.

5 things on my to-do-list today:
Am I supposed to have a to-do list?
Actually, I have a really bad cold and don't feel like doing much. So far, I have watched some T.V., played with Jace, I took a bath, read some of my book, and now I am working on my blog, so overall, a good day.

Things I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
I might open up a cute little boutique, or day spa, or something like that. I would vacation all the time, and I would stop worrying about finances obviously.

3 of my bad habits:
1. I am a procrastonator, big time. I wish I could make a list of things to do,and do them before I get frazzled.
2. I have NO self control. Seriously. I can not do diets, stick to work out regimens, NOTHING! I am the worst!
3. I watch too much T.V. Every night Brock and I have a list of shows that we DVR and have to watch. Of course, since the writers strike that has all changed.

5 places I have lived:
1. Pittsburg, CA
2. Sandy, UT
3. Rexburg, ID
4. Peachtree City, GA
5. North Salt Lake, UT

Jobs I have had:
Oh gosh, I don't want to bore you. I think I have worked in every type of business, in every position. Some for a week, some for years. In fact, Wednesday is my last day working at the Universtiy Hospital and I probably won't work for a while now since I'm about to have baby number 2, but knowing me, I will probably find something again.

Things people don't know about me:
1. I have a self-diagnosed anxiety disorder. I have a really hard time being in a group of people that I don't know. It is impossible for me to introduce myself to someone I don't know. Because of this, I have often times been thought to be stuck-up or mean. But truly, it is an awful thing that I can not get over.
2. I love nothing more than being with family and friends.
3. I would love to live in Hawaii. Brock and I are trying to think of some way to get ourselves there.

I am tagging: No one, I think everyone has been tagged.


  1. Great info about yourself! i didnt know you had an anxiety issue. i always thought you were friendly! you should come live in hawaii! just do it! it's amazing. we dont know how long we will be here, but we are living every day like we're on vacation. i think thats the way to live all the time! i wish i only gained 30 lbs with my pregnancy...add another 20 and that about does it for me! i guess i am like a foot and a half taller. at least thats what i'll tell myself the reason was for such a giagantic weight gain!

  2. It was fun to read your tag and I miss those good old cheerleading days! I also remember you going to the dance with weird to think about now! I love all of the pictures of your family!
    Jess (Rasmussen) Bryner
