Saturday, January 19, 2008

Things not to say to a Pregnant Woman

1. You look like you're due any minute!
2. Are you sure you're not having twins?
3. How much longer do you have? ... WOW!
4. Did you get this big with the last one?
5. Oh, you poor thing.

Yes, I know I'm huge. My excuse is that I am really short and my babies have nowhere to go but OUT! Of course, the truth is probably that since Halloween I haven't stopped eating everything in sight, but hey, I don't get to do that very often so "when in Rome..." right? And yes, I have received all of these comments and they started a couple of weeks ago. I have another month and a half to go and don't think I'm going to make it if people keep telling me how big I am. Don't they think I know. Jace was 8 pounds 11 ounces, so I asked my doctor if she would induce me. She said that she would for sure do it one week early, and depending on how I'm dilating and so on, she might do it sooner than that! WOO HOO! All those of you who have had babies know that every day counts! Anyway, I just needed to get that off my belly, oops, I mean my chest!

P.S. Next time any of you see me you should say, WOW you look great! What are you, five months pregnant? I'll know you're lying, but it will make me feel good.


  1. Honestly people are so stupid sometimes. I remember when some lady made some rude comment to me and I wanted to be like ya well your fat and what's your excuse hehehe!! Anyway you do look great so don't pay attention to those people they're just jealous. You look super cute. So do you want to go to Vegas in May??

  2. You look gorgeous – as usual. So when are you due yesterday (I’m just kidding)? From these pictures you look like you are suppose to - prego. I can’t wait until I am pregnant so I can eat without someone making a comment on how much I eat. Right now I have no excuse but I get the comments – wow you ate that whole plate and dessert! All I can tell them is I am practicing.

    I saw Jenn’s comment and if you guys come to Vegas – call me I would love to meet up with ya’ll.

  3. You look darling! I love the pregnancy pics, but I also know when its me pregnant, I never like it! You are so close, that will fly by for me:) I am totally going to get the book you told me about, I am excited to read it. I think you are the cutest mom, it is obvious how much you love your baby and I am sure you will be the same with this one!! I truly think you do such a great job and I know you have made so many sacrifices to figure out what works for you and your family!

  4. Hi Jenny! It's Suzy's been awhile since the bus stop and those fun cheer days :) I just wanted to say HELLO and say that you have such a cute family. You look great, even 7 months prego. You still look like Jessica Simpson :) I don't have a blog- I just like to blog lurk and make comments. I'm glad to see you're doing well!


