Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our newest addition


  1. Jenn- Wow how amazing to look at those photos! He is so adorable and so little! Im so happy that things went good for your family. You look so good and I can't believe how put together you look after! Congrats

  2. He is so beautiful!! Oh how awesome, it makes me want to do it all over again (don't anyone hold their breath)! What a precious little guy :)

  3. P.S. - you look beautimus after having him!

  4. I LOVE those, they are priceless! He is so precious and looks like a good size from the pictures. You look so cute right before you go in! Your pregnant belly is so cute, and you look amazing after, how lucky! I guess that is kind of thanks to a quick birth, that is always nice!

  5. first of all, thanks for taking the belly pictures. Since I haven't had a kid I am fascinated with how it all works- mostly how our bodies stretch and adapt. You are such a cute prego girl! You also look so good after having him. No big deal, right??? He is such a cute, perfect looking baby. Congrats! You have an adorable little family!

  6. Oh, Yea! He is so sweet, Jenn. Congratulations to you guys. Now you are truly out numbered, but I am sure you don't mind. I am so happy for you guys. I am sure Jace and Nixon will be the best of friends. I absolutely LOVE that name, by the way. Hope your recovery is going well.

  7. He is such a little angel and so beautiful! I love the slide show and you look way too pretty for just having a baby...not fair! I am so happy for you and your cute hubby. What an adorable little family you have! I hope your are feeling well, getting some rest, and having a lot of help:)

  8. Hey there! I am glad you have a blog because now I can see what your two little guys look like. It was great to hang out with you in VEGAS!!

  9. You look so dang cute in those pictures. He is so beautiful. Hope you are feeling good.
