Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2 Months Old

Nixon is two months old already. It has gone by so fast. He was two months on the 28th, and had his appointment today. It is always fun to see how much they've grown, and what tasks they should be doing now, and what they will learn to do in the next couple of months. He is already so different than Jace. Jace was born at 8 pounds 11 oz. and 19 inches with a big old head in the 90th percentile. Nixon was born at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 19 1/2 inches with a tiny head in the 10th percentile. Jace was always above the 50th in everything while we found out today that Nixon is now weighing in at 10 lbs 2 oz., which is the 20th%, he is 22 1/2 inches long, which is 35th%, and his head is 38 cm, only the 15th%. They look so much alike to me, besides the fact that Jace was much rounder. Nixon is such a good baby. He even slept for 8 hours the other night! While we were in Hawaii he slept for 7 hours at a time most of the nights. It was so great. I'm sure Julia was grateful since she shared a room with us. Anyway, as you all know, as fun as it is to hear the good, it is soooooo sad when the shots come. He had to get 5 shots, and an oral immunization. It was awful. I didn't cry with Jace, but I got teary eyed with Nixon for some reason. I have never heard him cry the way he did today. I felt so bad. But he was such a trooper. He only cried for about 1 minute (if that) and then was back to his happy self. I get so nervous pumping his tiny body with so many immunizations, but they assured me that it is normal and they do it all they time. I hope so. Anyway, he is growing up so fast already, and I am lucky to have another healthy baby boy.


  1. Jenny-

    Your little Nixon is so HANDSOME!!!! It sounds like he is just a little angel and dosen't give you too many problems!!!! Its so good to see that you and your family are doing well.
    Take care,
    You look fabulous by the way!!!

  2. He is just so cute!! I HATE it when they get their shots, I cry! What a sweetie :)
