Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jace's New Favorite Thing to Do

Jace has figured out how to open the refrigerator and he does it about a million times a day. He comes to me all day long with new fun things to eat and drink. Usually a can of Fresca or Diet Coke, or the occasional jar of pickles. He is so funny. He opens it up, looks around saying, "Hmmm", climbs up inside, and then comes over with something he NEEDS to eat. That's another thing. He doesn't just WANT anything anymore, he NEEDS everything. It is essential that he has it, or he may die. Opening the fridge is the first thing he does in the morning, the first thing he does when we come home from anywhere, and the last thing he does before we say "No Jace, its too late. Close the fridge." He is usually nice enough to bring two of whatever he finds so that I can have one too. But I quickly figured out that this is just because he needs his own and doesn't want to share. He also needs the whole bag of whatever he is eating. A few crackers and chips is not good enough. "I need the whole bag!" Or, "I need twenty." We love our Jace.


  1. So cute!! I can't wait to see Nixon and hopefully I'll get to know Jace better one day.

  2. He is seriously so cute! I love how he says "so you think you can dance". Sounds like you guys had an awesome time in Vegas! Aren't Dad's just the best? What a great pappa.

  3. i love all these pics! sumertime is the best! and maya is going through the phase of wanting to open the fridge, its still to heavy for her, but we have the freezer on the bottom and all day long shes opening and closing it saying, "oooo, fweezing"!

  4. Yaaaaaaaa I am back, Lets Rage it up this week!!! So we are going to Powell again in August and you and Broc can come or you can come or whatever but you both are invited to come down, I'll let you know the dates next time I see you

  5. Hailey does the same thing all the time. She stands there with the door wide open and taps her finger on her lips going "Hmmmm..." What a stinker!
