Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Boys Are Growing Up So Fast!

We gave Nixon rice cereal for the first time about a week ago. I know, I know, they recommend waiting until he's six months, but my doctor said to go ahead and try since he's so small. He probably didn't get more than one or two spoonfuls down since he kept spitting it out, but he's getting better every day, and last night he finished his whole bowl! (It was only about a tablespoon's worth, but I was still happy about it!)

And I couldn't be more proud of my big boy Jace. He'll be three in October and I decided it was time to start the dreaded POTTY TRAINING. I was so nervous because everyone I talked to said that boys are so hard, and to plan on at least weeks, if not months of cleaning up after his mistakes. I guess I lucked out though. Brock and I started our potty training weekend on Saturyday, and he has only had about 4 mistakes since then, and none of them were poopy ones! He has really taken to it and is doing so well. He goes without needing to be reminded most of the time, and even went poop when no one was supervising! He just walked in and did everything on his own. I have never done this before, but everyone keeps telling me how lucky I am.

And lastly, we also moved Jace from his crib to a big boy bed in his new room. I know, its probably a little late, but he is doing really well with this too. He wasn't too thrilled about it, but once he falls asleep, he stays in there all night. Hopefully this will continue, because I do not want him in our bed, EVER!

My boys are growing up, and while it makes me really happy and excited, I have also been a little bit sad. It's strange not to have to pack diapers for Jace anymore, but I love it!


  1. MMMmmm looks like Nixon is really enjoying his rice ceral in those pictures hahaha. I love the picture of Jace holding up his shirt haha. So I am having Raging Water withdrals I think we should head back next week, what do you say?? Ps I am excited about tomorrow I will see you then

  2. Your picture on at the top of your blog page is so cute of your adorable fam. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys soon at party up at Vern's place (if they are doing it this year). You guys look like you're having a great summer!
    P.S. You look so awesome for having a baby only a few months ago!

  3. What cute boys! Way to go on the potty training, our nephew is working on it, and it doesn't seem to be going so well :)

  4. Yea! For the potty-training accomplishment! I know Caden is more ready than I am but we both said next week we were gonna shoot for it! I love the age of the rice cereal!

  5. Your boys are soooo adorable! I can't believe you are a mom of two! Good luck at the American Idol try-outs. I'm so mad I am not there to try out too!

  6. Cute milestones!! Jace's room looks cute. Potty training...rice cereal? Are they already that big? I go to your blog and think wow is Jace already there, is Nixon already there... Time flies. Bitter sweet. :) See you soon!

  7. I still can't believ how you've lucked out with the PT!! I wish my kids were that easy. Your boys are soooo cute!

  8. Nixon is getting soo big!! He is soo cute!! You are so lucky to get two adorable boys!I love the fourth of july parade, your whole family is beautiful!

  9. we can thank matthew for the boob dive picture of course!!! Looks like you are having fun w/ the boys!! so cute! I miss being in the ward!

  10. I never even realized that pic looked like boob was more appealing to me due to the butt squeeze. I just love that pic partially cuz it makes Dre uncomfortable and cuz its hot! your boys are cute miniature gentlemen.

  11. Still can't believe it...

  12. Look at my little neighbor all grown up! I found you through Julia and Dane on Facebook and am so glad I can follow your life through your blog. Your family is adorable and you look amazing.

    Lisa Suker Belanger (from Sandy)
