Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bee Haircut!

Okay, so as you can see, Jace desperately needed a haircut. He calls it a bee haircut because of the way the clippers make a buzzing sound like a bee. Smart kid, I know. We decided to bring back the mohawk for a little while before we shave off the entire thing. Cute isn't it?


  1. I love Jaces hair, way cute!!! So do you want to go to Rage this week even though we are going to the temple Friday and Dinner Wed?? I think Seth and I might try and get a babysitter Friday day/night to go to the Rage if you and Broc want to come. Oh and I redid my background the other day, Valarie Batmen told me about it. That's funny that you went to the same sight, what can I say great minds think alike

  2. i LOVE it. what a hottie-boy. he can totally pull it off!

  3. thanks for the comment. i really appreciate what you said and it made me feel better. thanks for the encouragement.

  4. hey jenny...this is alisa holland (mindi's friend)...came to your blog via mindi's. anyway, just wanted to tell you thanks for sending mindi your address...i will definitely send you an invite! i didn't know you lived in NO SL...we are very close in farmington. anyway, i love your blog template, thanks for the address and see you soon!

  5. Way cute!! He cracks me up. Looks like a lot of fun at the parade and the cabin :) See ya Wednesday!

  6. Cute slideshow below, Jen. Love the pics of your handsome boys. Love the mohawk too.

  7. I love the mohawks! What a stud. Yes we are going to do a fun park day next week. I was just trying to figure out the best day that works for some of the girls! What works for you? Let me know! You look fantastic by the way!

  8. Hey girl,
    Natalie is kind of bias when it comes to cute pics. of my kids. I will say I was totally impressed with price, quality and just the actual session. My kids had a great time. She has tons of toys to play with in between kids and she and her husband do it together. You will love her she is great! I can't wait to take them to her again.
    Here is her info
    She has her phone # and an email page to contact her all on her website. I hope this helps!!!!

  9. Oh my not shave that off! That is so cute!!

  10. Hey, today was fun! I am glad I was finally able to catch up with you guys! Your 24th pictures are adorable!

  11. Haha...cute haircut pics :) Thanks for the question on SIDS...I posted what I found out from the Docs and the Preemies book I have....thanks for watching out for our little gal :)

  12. His hair is darling! How fun to have such cute little boys.
    How to you do the blog list thing, go to customize, add a page element, click on blog list. And add your people one by one from there. It takes a while, but seriously cuts down on the time you blog later. It's so worth it! Hope that was helpful!
