Friday, August 29, 2008

Nixon is 6 months old

I took Nixon in for his 6 month well check-up today. He is doing just great. He is growing and is now 14 lbs 15.8 oz (yeah, I thought they should just round it up to 15 too) which puts him in the 30th percentile. He is 26 inches and in the 45th percentile for height, and his head is 16 1/2 cm and in the 15th percentile. Okay, so he is still tiny, but all of his percentages are up, so I'm happy about that. I have been feeding him rice cereal a couple of times a day for a while now, and the doctor said I can feed him fruits and vegetables. I know its silly, but I am excited. I think I want him to grow up too fast. Nixon made me so happy this week...he started sleeping through the night! I am always nervous to say anything because its usually a fluke, and I don't want to jinx myself, but Saturday to Tuesday night he slept from 10:00 pm to 9:00 am! I was so ecstatic! Then Wednesday night he woke up at like 1:00 am and I decided to let him cry it out. It was hard. I did the whole 5 min. - check on him, 10 min. - check on him, 20 min. -check on him etc. and about 45 minutes later he was asleep for good until 9:30 am. Then last night he went to sleep at 9:30 and slept until 4:00 am. I figured he really must be hungry this time so I fed him. I can't decide what to do. I know he can go all night now, so do I let him cry it out any time he wakes up? My doctor said to feed him only if its been more than 8 hours since he last ate. I will take her advice for now, unless one of you knows something different. Anyway, he got his shots and took it like a trooper. He stopped crying as soon as I picked him up, and was over it. Gotta love boys. He is healthy and all is well.


  1. I have no advice for you about the whole sleeping thing but your kids are so stinkin cute!!!!

  2. You have to love getting an entire night of sleep :) He is so cute and I cannot believe it's been months! Him and Ky can be runts together.

  3. Nixon is beautiful! Good luck on the sleep thing, I let Hudson cry it out at 8 months and it was hard but worth it. I don't know, sometimes he would go through growth spurts where it seemed like he needed to eat more. So I would feed him, then he would start sleeping through the night again. Sorry, not much help, but you do a great job!

  4. I love that Jace poured soapy bubbles in Nixons face today(oh poor Nixon), one day Nixon won't be a little runt anymore and then he will be able to fight off his big brother. I can't believe how animated he is getting, he is so cute, he just lays on his tummy saying dadadada and smiling, I hope my next baby is that relaxed

  5. I say you got it! It's hard to know when they are going through growth spurts but I let Caden cry it out at about the same age. I think it's more of a whiney cry when they are not truly hungry! Every baby is so different! My babies are sleeping till about 5 or 6 right now and can't wait till they hit that 7 or 8 or noon mark!!!
