Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jace goes to Preschool

Some of you have said that your kids needed to hold your hand the whole way in, not Jace

I wanna do it myself mommy!

Notice the other kids hugging their dad, crying that He has to leave, not Jace.

He had to bring his balloon

Okay, so I felt a little weird taking pictures of Jace's "first day of school" because he has been going to this day care/preschool since he was 8 weeks old. But he will be three in a couple of weeks and can now attend the preschool part of it. He was excited to be there, and waved me off like always. There are a couple of ladies that teach, one of which is Brock's mom, Shauna. Jace loves to go to school and see grandma. He gets whatever he wants, the rules don't really apply to him, or so he thinks. The other day they were playing on the playground and all the kids took their shoes off. The other teacher told them all to put them back on, and of course, everyone did...except Jace. She told him to put his shoes on, and he looked around, and back at her, and said, "Where's my grandma?" in a matter of fact tone, like, I guess you don't know how it works around here. I am allowed to do whatever I want, whenever I want, just ask grandma. She started laughing, and told Shauna, who of course had to tell us. He is such a brat!


  1. That is fun he gets to spend time with Grandma at school. There is nothing wrong with an independent kid... but it is kind of funny to see how some kids and parents really have a hard time being apart.

  2. Much better than what my son was like on his first day! What a big kid! I love that his Grandma is there, Im sure that makes it so so mcuh easier!

  3. So have you had anymore run ins with the notty little red head???

  4. Thank you for the invite to the aquarium I am sorry once again I missed it, my computer has been down for over two weeks and I feel totally disconnected to all the world around me. Your little man is so cute, he looks like he was ready for a wonderful day at school. I hope you were ok. It definitely seems to be a hard experience for the mommys!

  5. So fun for Jace to go to preschool! We loved the story about the shoes, that is too funny! Rich said he is just like his dad, trying to get out of things he doesn't want to do!

  6. He is sooo cute! I love his hair!
    Thank you for inviting me to the aquarium! And sorry I suck for just getting back and saying sorry that I couldn't come. I had a crazy workin week and totally spaced letting you know! Hope you had so much fun. Let us know next time!
