Monday, October 13, 2008

Back to Work

Yes, it's true. I have started working again. I started last week, and so far so good. Its a company called Heritage Festivals. I work in the air department, and set up flights for students in junior high, high school and college going to our festivals all over the world, and performing at bowl games and such. It is full time so I kind of jumped right in. I worked when Jace was 8 weeks old, and always planned on it, but haven't worked since Nixon was born 7 months ago, so it was pretty hard that first day, and since. I know my boys are in great care with Brock's mom, but am still trying to make the adjustment. I am hoping that this will be a good thing for our family, and I hope I really love this job. For some reason I can't help but feel guilty for doing this, but at the same time, I always felt guilty when I was at home too. I sometimes wish motherhood was easier, and we never had to question the things we do. I love my boys and want the very best for them. Now if I could just figure out what that is.


  1. You are an awesome mom whether you are working or not! Don't ever doubt that. I remember Aunt Vicki telling me that one day she was vacuuming and thinking about how she probably wouldn't have everything figured out on how to raise her kids until they were all grown up and out of the house. But then the thought came to her that that was okay...look at all she had learned. The lessons were in the journey.
    And I love the new pics! I love the photographer.

  2. Oh Jennie, don't feel guilty! You're a great mom and you love your kids. You're a smart person who knows your kids and you know what's best for them. If you ever feel like you're being a bad mom, remember there are so many other moms who are just awful, who actually get their kids taken away from them because of the things they do. I would know, it's already happened once to my sister-in-law. You're Heavenly compared to her. As long as you're trying your hardest you're doing wonderfully. Don't beat yourself up so much, just enjoy everything you have. You're doing great.

  3. Jenn- What a cute picture in the top part! I love that idea. That is so great you have someone you love and trust to watch your boys! You are such a darling mom!

  4. Jennie, you have nothing to worry about, you know you are a wonderful mother, and even more so your boys know that. They can feel it even when you are not there. Work sounds exciting and I hope all goes well for you.
    Also, I love your pics. and your new gorgeous brown hair. We as mom's tend to beat ourselves up, we just need to take one day at a time and enjoy the journey

  5. You know I only would ever give you crap about working because I am selfish and I want you to be home so that you can hang out with me all the time hahaha. I totally think that every woman needs to do what's best for her and going back to work does not make you a bad mom, I say to each their own, everyones families, personalities, prefrences and etc are different and what really counts is that you and your family are happy and if you are then nothing else matters. Although you did need to quit when summer comes around because I will need my Rage buddy back!

  6. I am sure you are an amazing mom. I love the new family pictures! They are so cute.

  7. Love the pictures, so cute! It's so hard to try and be and do everything. But I think as long as we just do our best, that's all we can do!

  8. i LOOOOVE your new pics! they are so cute! your boys are so hansdome! hmmmmm, i wonder why?!! well, i guess what i have to say is just pray about it. if it keeps staying in your mind whether to work or not, then may be you need to do a re-check and make sure everything is in balance. youre lucky that they have a gma to watch them! you guys make the cutest family!

  9. Congrats on the new job! I keep running into you through old friends from Sandy. I am so glad I have and that I can keep tabs on my (all grown up) childhood neighbor. Your kids are absolutely adorable!

  10. you are a fabulous mom and you should have no guilt!! I love your family pics, they are so adorable!! Looks like you guys are having tons of fun-bungee jumping and birthday parties and preschool-you are busy girl! We miss it down there in our good old neighborhood!

  11. Your blog is so cute. I LOVE your header picture. It's so fun to look in and see what you've been up to. You are such a proud Mom! I love it

  12. We miss you too, Jennie! JUST QUIT AND HANG OUT WITH US!! I kid. Do whatever the heck you want. But we do miss having you around.

  13. I hear you, girl. It is such a difficult dilemna. I have yet to feel completely settled with either decision. I worked full time until Haley was 6 months and then stopped when we moved. I have yet to go back, but I am still in debate. I am so happy for you that your boys have wonderful "grandma care". That is such a blessing. You are amazing to juggle work and motherhood. I know how hard that can be, but I am sure you will do great.
