Monday, November 24, 2008


Brock and I had season tickets to the Utah games this year, and therefore were able to go to the game on Saturday. It was so much fun. We left the munchkins with Brock's parents (thanks again)and were able to just enjoy the game and not worry that they might not be warm enough, etc. I haven't said anything about the games and how well Utah was doing this season up until now because I was afraid of jinxing them, but WOW! What a fun year it has been! I was a little worried going in, that I might witness a fight or two (including my sweet husband) since there are usually a lot of BYU fans intermingled with the Ute fans, but there was only one lone BYU fan about 10 rows up from us. Poor guy. Everyone was giving him a hard time. I guess he deserved it though. I was surprised at how few there were. Anyway, the game was mostly enjoyable, a little stressful the first half, but then we pulled away and we were able to just have fun. There was one Utah fan right behind me that had WAAAAAYYYYY to much to drink before the game and just sat there with his eyes barely open while everyone around him stood the whole time. Then he thought he had better stand up and cheer at one point, but he lost his balance and fell on me! I screamed and tried to get out of the way while Brock pushed him back into his own row and his buddys got him sitting down again. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little freaked out. I looked back at him a few times to make sure he wasn't going to puke on me and one time he was just sitting there with his eyes closed, his face upward, and a smile on his face. I just wonder what the heck is the point of coming to the game like that? Idiot. His friends finally decided he was too drunk to be there, and left with him.
I got to work this morning to find out that I had won the contest from last week, and had guessed the closest final score of the game! Woo Hoo! I got a gift card to Gap Kids. Excellent. I guessed that it would be 34-24 for Utah, and thought for sure I was guessing way too high, but I guess not!



  1. How have you and Brock survived in a family of BYU fanatics? And let's face it, I am one of them. Too bad Max Hall is an undercover Utah quarterback or the crowd might not have gone quite so wild.

  2. That's really funny about the drunk guy. Levi was so happy that the Utes won. He came home and said, "Stephanie! We did it!!" He was so excited. He ran out to the field and everything.

  3. Don't pretend like you like the Utes. I know that you really are a closet fan and you secrety love BYU! You only pretend for the sanctity of your marriage.
    Go Cougars!!
