Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year we had so much fun for Halloween. I'm always grateful that we have several events to go to. It makes me feel like the money I spent on costumes was worth it. Or at least a little more worth it. We missed our ward trunk-or-treat since we were in California, but went to my mom and dad's ward. Everyone thought it was so fun to see the boys since they haven't seen me in years. Jace visited every car twice, and Nixon even got to get his own bag full. Thanks Nixon! Daddy and I will really enjoy all that candy!
The daycare that Jace and Nixon go to is the Woods Cross High School day care, run by Brock's mom Shauna, and every year they go around to all the classrooms and go trick-or-treating. This was the first year I couldn't go with them, since I had to work. But I hear that they had fun without me. Shocking. More candy for mom and dad.
Friday Aunt Natalie took the boys to Brock's work Halloween party, and then Brock brought them to mine. They got to do more trick-or-treating, and we got a chance to show off our cute boys. Something I really hate doing ;) Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa K's, Aunt Brenda's, and then Granny and Grandpa Sanders. Needless to say, we are all a little sick today.
I really look forward to Halloween every year, but even more now that I have children. They just seem to make everything a lot more fun!

P.S. If you look below, there are finally pictures from our California trip. I knew it would take forever for me to post them! Sorry.


  1. Cute!! Love Nixon's turtle costume. Sounds like it was a blast! California pictures are so great, I am once again SO JEALOUS :)

  2. I love both the costumes. Very cute! But where did you find Nixon's costume? That is really darling!

  3. so so so fun!! you have to have one of the cutest families!! love you guys!

  4. The boys look awesome! And, I love your new family pictures--so so cute.

  5. Oh, they both look so cute. how fun. and your pictures from disneyland are sweet. the one where nixon and jace are poking their heads through, i at first thought you had photoshopped their heads onto it. ha it was funny.

  6. cali looks so fun! brings back all sorts of memories seeing disney land! glad you had fun! and really cute costumes! i like your hair dark! really pretty!

  7. Your boys are the cutest!! Does it feel so nice to have beautiful kids? :) I never commented on you family pics either...I LOVE THEM!! Excited to see you at Christmas!
