Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nixon is 9 Months

I took Nixon in for his 9 month appointment last night. I got there at 5:50, ten minutes early, and they didn't call us back until 7:00! I was so mad! Then, they weighed him, took his measurements, and then I waited another 20 minutes for the doctor! It wasn't even busy. There were like 2 other people in the whole building. Then of course, it took all of 10 minutes once she saw him. He weighs 17.5 pounds (5%) he is 28 inches (25%) and his head is 17 cm (5%). We have a little guy. The doctor asked if I had any concerns and I told her that he's not crawling, and he has no teeth, but I'm not concerned. I really don't mind that I can set him on the ground and not worry about him getting into the Christmas tree, the decorations, the kitchen drawers, etc. She wasn't worried either. She set him on his stomach and he looks like he'll be crawling any day now. I told her I've been trying to get his teeth to grow too, but no luck there either! ;) No shots this time, thank goodness, and overall, we have a happy, healthy baby boy.


  1. That sucks you had to wait so long. For some reason, night appointments take longer. I went to a night appointment once and I waited forever as well. Anyway, Nixon's obviously really cute, you know that. I can't believe how small he is! Just a huge difference from Claire haha. I swear it's normal for a baby to have their head be in the 93rd percentile. No? Not so much?

  2. I HATE waiting at the doctor's office especially when it looks like they are not even busy! They're all probably just having a party in the back:) I'm glad that all is well and he is such a cutie!

  3. I hate the wait at the doctors office. It always seems like one person is late in the morning sometime and then the whole rest of the day is behind. I think if someone is super late they should make them reschedule so it doesn't throw everything off. Although if it wasn't busy then my theory is probably wrong!

  4. Jenn- It was so good to see you the other night! Yes, I dread the wait in the Doc office nothing worse with babies especially! Nixon is darling, I love that dark skin!

  5. I can't believe that Nixon is already 9 months, I must be stuck in lala land because I swear Cohen was just 9months, crazy how fast time flies by

  6. Oh, I'm working the campaign trail like you wouldn't believe!

  7. I can't believe he's 9 months either! Time really flies. He is so dang cute. We have little guys :) Waiting is always hard, but you never know what's going on behind the scenes.
