Thursday, January 29, 2009

In a Few Weeks

I have been such a slacker with my blog lately. We have been doing so many fun things, and taken a lot of pictures, but I have been so busy. We are going to Maui in three weeks, and as a favor to all the people who may see me at the beach in a bikini, I have started a boot camp Monday to Friday at 5:00am. Therefore, I go to bed at 8:30 every night (thanks to Brock for putting the boys to bed every night for these 6 weeks), I wake up at 4:30am, work out, get ready for work, take the boys to school, go to work until 5:00, pick up the boys, make dinner, watch a little T.V. and spend about an hour with my family, and then off to bed again to start all over. So far its been three weeks, and it hasn't been too bad. Of course I wish I had more time with the fam, but what can you do? Selfish people need to work, and work out. I guess a week in Maui with my husband and my boys (and of course my parents, thanks for the condo!)will more than make up for it right? Anyway, I hope to post a lot more often when I can stay up until a normal hour, like 10:00.


  1. You are sooo lucky! Heye how did the P90X thing go? Cody and I are thinking about doing that.

  2. Shut up! You and your Boot Camping self. I wish I could do that. I always see them on T.V. and it looks like so much fun! Maybe in the future. And I wish I could go to Maui at least once in my life. If you can ever take a friend it has to be me 'cause I've never been and I probably won't go until I'm 50.

  3. I am so jealous you get to go to Maui. And way impressed that you are waking up so early and working out. It is hard to find time between working, doing all the "mom/wife" stuff, family time, and working out! I don't think it is selfish.

  4. Yeah kudos to you for working your butt off!! I am so jealous you get to go to Hawaii...AGAIN. Brat. Hey I got that e-mail about your Birthday and I think it sounds great! Let's do it. I will look into cheapish pedi's.

  5. Jen! How are you :) (maybe you remember me...we only cheered together and went to Junior High together ha ha ha, this is Vlerie (Bateman)Hart by the way. I saw you on Jen Phillips blog. Your boys are adorable. I have two boys also. Any way, I just wanted to say hi since the last time I really saw you or any of the other "gals' was in like 10th grade. You look great and your family is adorable.

  6. Oh nice, the "a" got deleted out of my name, I meant Valerie :)

  7. You look great and always do, therefore don't need it, but I think that is so amazing you are doing it! It will be so amazing to be an vacation with the entire fam!!

  8. Wow, you go girl! You are amazingly dedicated. Enjoy Maui...after all that you deserve a vacation! :)

  9. Welp Maui huh how about next year you don't plan so many stinkin vacas so that we can go on one together....... just kidding next year maybe I will finally get pregnant and then I will be fat so I wouldn't want to go on vaca but maybe the year after that! Have fun in Maui I will be thinking of you in that nice warm weather while I am stuck here in crapy cold Utah

  10. Your sister is a cutie! We haVE to hook them up!

  11. Wow you totally Rock girl. Way to go. I wish I had your determination. You are going to have such a fun time in Maui. I sure miss the beach. Enjoy, you deserve it! Glad to have found your blog here is mine
