Monday, March 2, 2009

The Cabin

We went to Brock's grandparent's cabin for our winterly visit.

We did a bunch of cross-country skiing. This is how Jace got around. Brock pulled him along with a rope tied around his waist. It was good times for Jace, and a good work-out for Brock.

Brock's sister and her husband Brett used the technique to get there little boy Beckett to take naps. He would fall asleep almost instantly, and stay asleep for the whole ride! It was so cute!

Jace was so cute while I took his picture the first hundred times...

But then he got tired of it, and gave me the hand like I'm some sort of paparazzi!

We did a lot of snowmobiling too. And what fun would snowboarding behind the snowmobile be without a nice cracked rib, right Brock?

We also took Jace sledding for his first time. It was really fun.


  1. this doesn't look anything like Hawaii.

  2. I think I'd like cross country skiing better if I was being dragged along in a tube! How fun. Jace is such a cutie.
