Monday, April 20, 2009

I Do Not Hate Reading That Book!

Another story about Jace making mommy look bad. Okay, so last week my sister-in-law Kallie was at my mother-in-law's house with Jace, Nixon, and her little boy Beckett. She was getting ready to leave and couldn't find her keys. Jace saw them and said, "They're on that book." When Kallie asked him what book it was, he said, "a church book." It was the scriptures. At least he recognizes them as church books. So then Kallie continued with, "Does your daddy read that book to you?"
"Does your mommy read that book to you?"
"No. My mommy hates reading that book."
Um, excuse me? What? I swear, this kid is making me sound like the worst mom! I am pretty sure I have never said that I hate reading any book, much less the scriptures! I might not read them as often as I probably should, but come on!
This is after Jace so calmly and thoughtfully said to Brock's mom, aunt, and cousin,
"Remember when mommy said FOCK?" They all started laughing, and said no, when did mommy say fock? Um, NEVER! And I have never said anything that sounds remotely like Fock, if you know what I mean. (At least not since he's been alive)
Oh boy, do I have a lot of work to do.


  1. HAHAHA!!
    He put you in the 'hot seat'!
    So your a potty mouth that hates the scriptures?
    Could always be worse...or, maybe not!
    How much longer until our kids aquire their 'filters'???
    Funny story!

  2. hee hee that is great! What a funny kid! I love that he said you hated it, that is hilarious

  3. hey jennie...just blog surfing and um i just had to comment because this post made me laugh out loud! what an awesome mommy moment!

  4. So funny! My students often say very interesting things that make me wonder.... what will my kids be saying? I like the comment that you are a "potty mouth that hates the scriptures" Seriously, cracks me up!

  5. Good work Jace. Don't let mommy get away with anything.
    Love, Dane

  6. That is hilarious! I always worry about what thry must tell their pre-school teachers!!! Im sure they hear it all! That is why kids are the best you can always count on some kind of answer just like that!

  7. Hilarious!! I am dying laughing. Where do kids come up with these things. THat is why I LOVE being in primary b/c they say the darndest things. :)

  8. Ahahahah! That's awesome. Seriously Jen, control your mouth! hee hee. I can certainly wait on the incriminating stories!!

  9. I almost peed in my pants laughing so hard!!!
