Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let Me Take a Moment... brag about my husband. Besides just being the most amazing husband and father, here are some of his most recent accomplishments.

The company he works for, Spring Mobile, was just given the naming rights at the EX Franklin Covey Field. It is now called Spring Mobile Ballpark. We are going to the opening game tonight for dinner and the game. A huge step for his growing company.

He just found out that he made it into the company's President's Club for the second year in a row! This is a very coveted award given to only the best of the best in the company. I am grateful for a company that recognizes his hard work, and rewards him for it. We get an all-expense-paid trip to Cancun next month! Last year it was Vegas, and it was a blast. I am so excited for this year's trip. Nice work babe, and thanks Spring Mobile!

And, on top of all of this, he is training with his sisters for a marathon on the 24th of July. He ran 10 miles while we were in St. George last weekend, and 14 last night! He is so dedicated, and such a hard worker. He can do anything he puts his mind to.

I love you Brock. You are so great, and I am so lucky to know you.

By the way, I am adding these pictures at the bottom of this post, and after its been posted for a while so maybe not everyone will see them. My family had a "biggest loser" type contest from January to March. On the day of the weigh in Brock oiled himself up, and came out in his little speedo shorts! It was hilarious! I thought he looked so freaking hot, and amazing! He lost 24 pounds! He came in second to my brother Justin, who lost 42 pounds. We were doing it by percentage, and Brock lost by .25%! It was so much fun. Anyway, here he is, in all his glory! I love you babe!


  1. Who wouldn't want a trip to Cancun. I look forward to hearing all about it!
    I am glad you have such a great husband. You deserve a great guy!

  2. That is so neat that Broc is succeeding in an econmy where so many are losing their jobs. Doesn't it make you so thankful that the Lord is watching out for you and your family. I am jealous that you are going to Cancun. We will miss you in Vegas, but seeing how you have 20 trips to take this year I am not suprised that one more might be too much. We need to get together again soon.

  3. Wahoo for Cancun!
    And Congrats to Brock. Have a great trip!

  4. I have been out of the blog world for so long! Lunch sounds good! text me like a day early whenever works for you, just so I can plan ahead, pump and stuff:)
    I can't believe Nixon is one ahhh where is the time going? Your Hawaii pics are darling! You look so good! What a cute fam!

  5. I found out you guys are going and I am SOOO excited! Sounds like a fun group are headed to Mexico baby! See you there!!!!

  6. That is great! I agree that it is such a nice thing when a company recogonizes and awards someone for their hard work! Enjoy Cancun you will be a little Sun bunny with all these fun trips! Good luck with the marathon!

  7. Well, it looks like Brock will be in fab shape for Mexico. He does look great - is that okay to say? Looks like you should be taking pointers from him, not me! You looked GREAT in your Maui pics! I don't know what you are talking about!!

  8. Brock told me you posted these pictures and so I had to comment. I am still laughing at the fact that he almost got down to 150. He is a pretty good guy and if a sister can say that I guess it has to be true. You guys are too lucky-Cancun and Hawaii already this year.
