Thursday, May 28, 2009

6 Wonderful Years

Six years ago today, at this very moment, I was in the temple being sealed to Brock for time and eternity. We knelt across the alter, held each other's hands, looked into each other's eyes, and made beautiful covenants and promises to each other and our Heavenly Father. We were surrounded by friends and family, and it was a beautiful, everlasting ceremony. We went out for pictures, and were both so hot! I was so stressed about rain, and it ended up being record breakingly hot at over 100 degrees! We had a lovely luncheon, followed by more pictures, and then the reception. What a perfect day. I love thinking about it. I love looking at pictures and our video from that special day. I love being married to Brock, and calling myself his wife. I can honestly say, without hesitation, that I do not have a single complaint about being married, and that I have loved every moment of it. I hope it doesn't come off cheesy, or exaggerated, because it is absolutely the truth. Brock makes this possible. I have told lots of people, on lots of occasions, that I completely lucked out. We dated for a year and a half before getting married, so I feel like I knew him very well, but there are just some things that I didn't even know I wanted on my "Things I Want in a Husband" list. And Brock has all of those things. He has the things on the list like:
Hot Active Funny Sense of Humor Loves his mother
Kind Good work ethic Happy Member of the church...etc.
(I really have a list in a journal somewhere, and it goes on and on)
But he also has the things that were not on the list like:
Never raises his voice to me Treats me with respect no matter what
Truly cares about making me happy Always wants to talk it out if we get in an argument (even if I don't want to) Plays with his children every chance he gets
Is so proud to be a father, and would do anything to make his boys happy
So low maintenance Wants me to have ME time
I will stop there. Again, I could go on and on. I feel completely blessed and totally lucky to have such a wonderful companion and friend, and look forward to many more amazing years. I love you babe! Happy Anniversary!


  1. Happy Anniversary!

    Your Maui trip sounds like such a relaxing time!

  2. Happy Anniversary! You guys are so cute! Your boys are lucky!

  3. Happy Anniversary! You two are a gorgeous couple!

  4. aw, happy anniversary. you guys are cute.

  5. Was it luck or was it a blessing you both richly deserved? The older I get the more credence I give to factors other than luck at work in our lives.

    We love you both!

  6. Happy Anniversary! It is so weird to think about 6 years!! You guys are so great together.
