Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On the Cheek

I always knew this moment would come. I had just imagined it being much further down the road. Like when he was 14 or so...not 3. Jace no longer wants to give me kisses on the lips. It was so sudden too. One day, when I was saying goodbye, and giving him a kiss and hug, I went in for it and was DENIED! He said, "On the cheek mom." If I hadn't started laughing, I would have been crying! What? "Kiss me on the cheek." I tried to get a reason out of him, but like he has a reason. He probably heard one of the other kids say it, and thought it was cool. As it stands, I am only allowed to kiss him on the cheek, and he will only kiss me on the cheek. I should mention this all goes for Brock too.

I'm hoping this is just a phase, but at least I still have Nixon for a little while!


  1. Oh how sad!!! I'll miss kissing Claire on the lips, hopefully it's a lot further down the road than Jace! But cheeks are still cute.

  2. Jace is so cute but what a stinker! I hope it is just a phase as well. In the meantime thank heaven for little Nixon! (ok..and Jace too:P)

  3. Aw, he's growin up! So sad he had a hard day in Primary on Sunday. Very unlike him from what I know! But Jules was sweet and held him for a long time.

  4. I remember all too well when I could no longer kiss you on the lips, but you were about 10 or 11. I guess it's a little different for boys. What I was really sad to hear is that Brock won't let you kiss him on the lips anymore either. That's REALLY sad. (jk)


  5. That is so sad! Way to be for not breaking into tears. It is so funny how young kids learn to be self-conscious about things. Even Megan gets embarrassed in groups of people if she falls down or spills or something--where do they get that? I'm glad Nixon isn't following suit quite yet. Live that up while it lasts :)

  6. So sad... but still cute pictures. You have two very cute boys!

  7. What a big boy!! I think I'd have cried too. So hard to watch them grow up, yet also so enjoyable to see progression and sassy personality!! At least he's not boring. :)

  8. Oh sad! I hope Kyler waits a long time for that one. You'll have to sneak attack or something :)

  9. i love your hair blonde! and im afraid of the day maya denies me too. theres nothing like baby lips and slobbery smoochies!
