Friday, July 17, 2009


Well, I am back in action now that my computer is up and running. July has been a very fun, very eventful month for us. Starting with me being laid off from my job. While I was completely shocked and so sad, I am now trying to be positive and enjoy my summer off with my boys. I have gotten lots of things done around the house that have been neglected for far too long, and I have had many play dates, girls nights, parades, fireworks, BBQs, and much more. I am loving it!

The fourth of July started on the 3rd with fireworks at Eaglewood golf course in Bountiful. Jace was so excited all day about the fireworks, and then was a little scared when they actually started. He sat with his ears plugged the whole time, and even leaned over to me and said "Mom, I don't like fireworks". He is so funny.

This is Jace and Nixon's cousin Beckett. They all love each other so much. As soon as we showed up at Eaglewood, Beckett ran to Nixon with the biggest smile on his face and gave him a big hug. Nixon couldn't be happier.

Jace was next. I asked Beckett if I could have one, and was DENIED! He loves his cousins!

We were sitting pretty close to one of the sand traps, so the boys were pretty much in Heaven.

You can't really tell in this picture, but Uncle Brett spelled Jace's name in the sand behind him.

Then Brock's aunt Brenda whipped out all the glow sticks, and the boys really loved those.

Here is our family before it got too dark. There is the most beautiful view from this golf course.

Here are some cute shots of the boys before the action started.

And here we are enjoying the fireworks. Like I said before, Jace plugged his ears the whole time, but Nixon just sat there in amazement the entire time. He didn't move, or change the expression on his face for the whole 15 minutes (or however long it was).

Then, the next day (the 4th) we went to the Centerville parade. The boys got a kick out of getting all the candy, and they were the only little kids around us, so all the candy and goodies that came our way were given to them. All I can say is I wish they could get a little more creative. Every single float that went by threw taffy. Taffy?! Come on! Brock was golfing, and had to miss the whole thing. He was really sad.

My extended Sanders family had been camping since the 2nd, so we went up that night to hang out and have dinner with them. It was lots of fun. Nixon ended up getting some massive misquito bites, and Jace scratched his until they bled, but other than that, it was great. Here is Brock exploring with the boys.

Nixon found a comfy chair to relax in.

And here is Nixon and my cousin's little girl Allison watching us play games from their little prison.

The next week was followed with some serious house cleaning. You know, the refrigerator (which was almost totally empty once I threw away all the left-overs, and expired items), the laundry room (just getting it all organized and all the lint cleaned up), going through my shoes ( I threw away probably 30 pairs. Some as far back as high school. Don't ask why I still had most of them!) Going through Nixon's clothes. Exchanging all the too small for all of Jace's old 18-24 month stuff. I still have lots to do, but it feels good to get some of that done.

Last Friday night I had a girls night. We thought it would be fun to go to Raging Waters with no kids. We rode every single slide, frolicked in the wave pool (sorry to those unexpectant teenagers we knocked off their tubes!), and had so much fun.

Then we went to Cafe Med, and back to Talitha's for some good laughs, and deep conversation. So fun. I love my girls.

Then Saturday, we went with most of Brock's family back to Raging Waters. Again, lots of fun. Jace and Nixon had a blast.

This past Wednesday I went to my cousin Angela's wedding. It was so beautiful. They got married at the Mt. Timpanogos Temple, and it was so great to be there. She married a guy names Cole Sanders, so she went from Ms. Sanders to Mrs. Sanders. No worries, they looked back as far as they could go to make sure they aren't cousins! Their dinner and reception were so fun. They had yummy snowcones with icecream at the reception, and needless to say, they were a hit! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Cole Sanders!

Obvioulsy, I haven't been taking my camera anywhere. Hopefully now that my computer is up and running again, I will be blogging more often so that my posts aren't nineteen pages long! And I will take my camera with me, so I can have more pictures.


  1. Holy that's a lot of blogging. Finally, though. Good stuff.

  2. Great post Jennie. Loved the pictures, commentary and your usual sense of humor. What a great family! What a great mom!

    Love, Dad

  3. We need to get together this week for a playdate. Cohen has a fever today so we might have to do it later in the week. I'm not sure what he is fighting off. I guess I will take him in tomorrow if he still has it. What do you guys do for the 24th?
