Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Festivities...Finally!

The week of Halloween is always a busy one around here. Especially this week, since my parents left on Wednesday I wanted to spend every spare moment I had with them. Monday night we carved pumpkins at their house. I always get so excited about it because the kids are so excited. Leah and Jace were talking about it all day, and kept asking when we were going to do it. Then, when it was finally time, they lasted all of 10 seconds before they were on to bigger and better things (like fighting over a toy or something equally enticing). It ended up just being my dad, my sister, and me. And, I must warn you that Jace took most of the pictures, so they are kind of dark.

Then, Thursday we went to Jace's preschool to trick or treat around the school. His preschool is held at Woods Cross High School, so every year they get to walk around from class to class in their costumes. Just one more way to get free candy! I took Nixon around too, and they had lots of fun. This year Jace was Optimus Prime, the transformer. Nixon was the cutest skunk I have ever seen. And Beckett, their cousin (who just happens to be obsessed with cars right now) was a racecar driver. When they were all done trick-or-treating they went back to their class room and got to pick 2 treats to eat. Really cute kids!

Then came Halloween day. Brock took the boys around our street, and they got some more yummy candy. Then they went with Brock's parents to the Utah game. I thought it was such a dumb idea to have a night game on Halloween, but whatever. Anyway, Brock and I had been invited to a surprise Halloween wedding. That's right, the groom didn't know he was getting married! It was really fun. Everyone was dressed up in costume (Brock a Roman Soldier, and me a Greek Goddess). It was very sweet and ended up being a lot of fun. The couple getting married was Steve, one of Brock's best friends that he used to live with before we got married, and Brittany. They have been engaged for like 5 years, and living together almost as long, so it wasn't a huge shock that they got married. Although he was pretty surprised.

This is us with Lance and Mikki (The Madhatter and Alice)

And here is the happy couple dancing.

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