Sunday, February 21, 2010

Updated Blog....Finally!

Since I haven't updated my blog since January 1st, there are a few new blog posts below. I hate when I get behind, and have to do it all at once, but that's what you get for now. We have a lot going on in our lives right now keeping us very busy.
We celebrated our nephew Beckett's 2nd birthday on Friday at Chuck E Cheese. It was crazy busy, and really fun.
Saturday, my sister Julia and I went to lunch together for our annual birthday pedicures and lunch date. Our birthdays are only 11 days apart, so we find a day in between (well, usually in between) and chat for hours. We do this about once a month anyway, but its fun to say its for our birthdays.
Brock's grandpa, Robert Bills, passed away on Thursday (Feb. 18th), so after lunch on Saturday we went to the family viewing. It was sweet. We have another one tonight, and then tomorrow (my birthday) will be the funeral. Brock and I are going to sing "I Heard Him Come" and we are just praying that we can get through it. I told him, I am pregnant, and if he starts crying, I will too. I hope its not just the piano playing with the two of us crying at the pulpit! I will have to be sure not to make eye contact with anyone in the audience.
After the viewing last night, Brock and I went out for our Valentine's/my birthday dinner. We made the drive in the snow up to Park City to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Its our favorite, and we had gotten a gift card, so we headed up. It is always nice to have a romantic date, where we can just focus on each other.
Next Sunday (Feb. 28th) is Nixon's 2nd birthday, and we still are not quite sure how we're going to celebrate that, but hopefully soon after, I will post about it.
On top of all of this craziness, I am 32 weeks pregnant. 8 weeks to go, (possibly 7, if I get induced early!) and I have a low-lying placenta. They are worried about placenta previa (sp?), which if it ends up that that is what I have, I will have to have a c-section. They have put me on a very light bed rest, meaning no sex and no exercise. Um fine, take away the only good things in my life right now! Well, my doctor said to "try to avoid" them. Its really hard to avoid those things at my house, so we'll see how this goes. I'm kidding. Sorry mom and dad! I just thought it was funny that she said try to avoid them, instead of just coming out and saying it. I will have another ultrasound at around 36 weeks to see if its moved. I really don't want to have a c-section though. I have been praying that the placenta will move out of the way, and I can have this baby naturally. I know that everything will be fine if I end up having to have one, but there is just something very special and bonding about going through the experience of sweating, and breathing, and waiting, and watching, and pushing these babies out of us. No matter how grueling it may seem at the time. That may seem weird to anyone who hasn't gone through it, but I really look forward to it, and hope I get to do it with my little girl.

Anyway, that is what's up right now. Hopefully I won't be so lazy with the updating!


  1. Your comment about s-e-x made me laugh so hard!! "It's hard to avoid them at our house..." LOL!!! I hope you don't have to have a c/s. I've had four and I'm jealous of people who have their babies the old fashioned way. But if you have a c/s I am right across the street to help you while you recover! Good luck :)

  2. wow you guys had a lot going on! i've been the opposite of busy, just really tired and lazy because of it. glad you're having fun. i hope with all of these things keeping you busy it's making your pregnancy go by quickly. i hope you don't have to have a c-section but i think i said this before, if you do have to have one, it's really not that bad. and the atmosphere is super relaxed easy. i won't ever have the opportunity to have a regular birth so i just tell myself that being pregnant itself is hard enough work, i don't need to do the pushing and sweating on top of it haha.

  3. I am so excited you only have a few weeks left :) The boys bunks look awesome (we got black bunks too, but I haven't posted their room yet) and my two boys think its the best thing ever. I don't know if this will help, but it was a nightmare trying to get the kids to go to sleep at the same time. Stock was very good and stayed on the top but Briggs wanted to play and play. So now we stagger their bed time. Briggs goes to bed alone in their room at 7:30, and then we put Stock to bed by 8:00 (Briggs is asleep by then). It works like a charm and we are all still getting sleep. Any way, just giving you an idea if you have trouble merging them in the same room like we did. I am also working on trying to finish the nursery, I feel like I have so many projects I might go nuts! I pray that your placenta will move, I know you want to go natural. Any way, fun to read your updates. Oh hey...any narrowing on the name thing yet, we're still having a hard time. (I like Adeline Lily, but we will see)

  4. Holy smokes! The things people talk about in public. And the COMMENTS that people's WIVES make in public! Especially when those COMMENTS are EXTREMELY misleading. Heaven help us.

    Our prayers are with you Jennie.

    Love, Dad
