Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nixon is 2!!

Nixon is still teeny tiny. I guess he got my genes on that one. Hopefully he'll have some sort of growth spurt in his life! Today, at his 2 year check-up he weighed 22 lb. 4 oz. (less than 5%), he was 33" long (20%), and his head circumference was 18.5" (10%). He is growing, but not very quickly!
We had two celebrations this year for Nixon starting on Sunday, his birthday, with a family party opening presents and having cupcakes and icecream. We have such a great family on both sides, and we thank everyone for coming! Nixon had so much fun. (I got spoiled too, since my birthday was just the Monday before, but this party was for Nixon.)

A Keddington tradition is to hang balloons for how old you are. This may have been Nixon's favorite present.

Here he is opening presents. Yes, Jace is picking his nose. Its the only "present opening" picture I got, so too bad. He also loved this huge Nemo balloon from Aunt Brenda.

Here is my attempt at an alligator. Nixon kept saying "My agater! My fav-wit!" It was really cute. I also made some lemon blueberry cupcakes for the adults. They were really yummy.

Then Monday, right before we left the house to pick Jace up from preschool Nixon was running to me, tripped a little to close to the wall, and SLAM! I promise I took these pictures after I had hugged him, and comforted him, and he was all better. He started crying again though when I asked him to look at the camera. I swear I didn't hear the slam and immediately think "Photo-Op!" It was awful, and now its yellow and green and blue. Lovely.

Then, Monday night we invited Nixon's cousins (that don't live in St. George) to come play at Kangaroo Zoo. There is one right by our house, and the kids had lots of fun. They had pizza, and drinks, and ran and jumped, and played. Lets just say the boys slept well that night! They slept from like 10:00 to 9:45! Not that they aren't always good sleepers, but they usually wake up around 8:30.
We are so grateful to have this happy little boy, oh, sorry Jace, BIG BOY in our lives. Jace says that now that Nixon is 2, he is a big boy. He is so easy-going, and melts our hearts when he says, "I you you, mommy (or daddy, or whomever he loves. You you means love you!) He has really become quite the talker, and can and does say everything. His favorite movie right now is Butt Year (Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story II), and he wants to watch it constantly. He loves to have stories read to him, and he loves his big brother and wants to do everything Jace does. Much to Jace's chagrin! Happy Birthday Nixon, we you you!


  1. Oh man, poor kid with that Goose egg. They usually look worse then they feel though. Your party looked so cute and I love the hanging balloon idea, how fun! Your alligator cupcakes were awesome! Oh JEN we are on the home stretch and soon won't be pregnant any more. (cheering, applauding) YAY!

  2. The alligator cup cakes was awesome and that kid place really looked like fun. I so wish I could have been there to see the kids play. Some really darling pictures. Just love this blog so much. Love Mom

  3. I noticed the teeth and claws on the "agator." You did a nice job on that. I got a little wistful when I saw how much the kids are growing up.

    Happy Birthday Nix! We you you too.

    Love, Dad

  4. Were the cupcakes butter-filled? Maybe that would put some weight on him. And probably taste good. Maybe not. Love you.
