Sunday, July 25, 2010

JULY 2010

This month has been filled with BBQ's, picnics, parades, fireworks, swimming, tennis, snow cones, and so much fun! Enjoy some (about a thousand) pictures.

Jace was part of a T-ball team this year, and at the end of the season (4 whole games) they had a pizza party and got trophies. It was lots of fun.

Brock's sister Kallie and her husband Brett just bought a house along the West Bountiful parade route. It was fun to just be in their front yard watching. This was on the 3rd of July.

Brock's mom bought these cute hats for all the boys. Ha Ha! You can see the Handy's cute new house in the background.

Afterwards, we went to the park with a bunch of things for the kids to do. We even got our faces painted!

Nixon wasn't so sure about it, but did it after he saw me.

Jace, on the other hand, was stoked!

Iron Man!

Watching fireworks at Grandma B's house on the 4th.

Brock's uncle Steve lighting them up.

Jace wants us to take him to play tennis practically every night. We would too, if it wasn't so dang hot! I'm so glad he loves it, and Brock can't wait to have a tennis champ as a son!

For our ward activity on the 10th of July, we had a "Patriotic Pancake Party and Parade". We do this every year, and the kids love it.

Nix rode with our neighbor Lauren. It was sunny. At least she knows why her hand is above her eyes. Nixon is just doing it because she is.

We have a few firemen in our ward, so they led the parade.

Then they let all the kids climb in and around the truck. They were in heaven!

Our little Leila is growing up so fast! 3 months already!



Brock's uncle Brian has been undergoing Chemo and radiation for cancer. He finally lost most of his hair one day, so he asked Brock to shave the rest. We love you Brian.

One of the downfalls of breastfeeding is you have no control over what my boys are doing for that 20 minutes or so. This time I found Nixon covered in mud. He was Jace's canvas. Jace kept denying it, saying Nixon had done it himself, until finally he said, "But I'm really sorry." I couldn't help but to laugh and grab the camera.

He's trying to smile, but his face has already hardened!

Brock took the day off on the 23rd, and we all headed to Cherry Hill. We have a season pass, and it has been so much fun!

Sweet Leila in her adorable swim suit! So fun having a girl!

Nixon squirting daddy.

Aunt Nanny and Jace.

There is a mini golf course at the Hill (that's what I call it) and I always tell Jace that maybe we can play when daddy comes with us. Well, he always remembers when I say stuff like that!

Then we went to the Bountiful Parade on the 23rd. It was a long day after Cherry Hill, and it was soooo hot. But throw candy at our boys, and they forget all their worries!
Leila with Aunt Brenda
Jace, Nixon, and Beckett. (and my shadow)

Jace is always being silly.

Leila was too tired, and not swayed by the candy.

On the 24th, some of Brock's family went on a hike up Mueller Park Canyon, and the rest of us met them at the end for a picnic. It was lots of fun.
Brock and Jace climbing the mountain.

Nixon and Grandpa K throwing rocks.

Me and the Leila girl.

Nix and Becks with Aunt Kallie and Natalie.

Jace roasting his hot dog with Uncle Steve.

Playing in the cold river.

Brock told Jace to show him his cold face.

Nixon and Daddy roasting marshmallows for s'mores.

It makes me so happy when Jace tries to make Leila laugh. He always can. He loves his little sister so much, and she loves him!

This was today, after church. She got to wear her festive outfit one more time! I guess she's not too happy about it!
And here are some randoms.
Jace and Nixon wearing my shoes. Should I be worried?

My sweet Leila girl. I know, she needs a bow.

First time in the bumbo. Her head was a little wobbly, but she did really good!

Some day she'll love Nixon as much as she loves Jace. But not until he quits using her as a chew toy, pinching her, and grabbing her head and shaking it, like in this picture. Poor Leila, he just loves you so much!

This is me, saving her. I have to do this about 50 times a day. Maybe one day it will get old to him.


  1. Loved all the pictures. What was Nixon's muddy face all about? Would love the story behind that. Love Mom

  2. this happened to me! It has to do with your background. was it from the That was where mine was from and you just need to change your background and it will fix it.
    Love all the pics. You sure know how to have fun!

  3. Now I know the story. Cute blog. Loved it.
    Love Mom

  4. July is so fun! I love all the pictures! I love that the boys love her so much, so cute.

  5. Jen I bought Addy's skirt at a What Women Want Expo, they had tons of cute ones (I wish I could sew them myself). The site is called beets n' parsnips if you wanted to check it out, just google it :) You look like you have been having a good July (and hopefully a good August too) and I am so jealous, you look so good for having a baby! I still feel like a hippo, boo!
