Monday, January 17, 2011

December 2010

Well December came and went. I can not believe another year is gone. Time really flies when you're having fun!

Our sweet Leila is officially a sitter. I know, I know she's 8 month old. She'd better be sitting! I must admit though, I love how laid back and content she is. It sure makes my life easier!

Here she is at Brock's Uncle Randy's birthday party. He turned the big 5-0! Her brothers thought it would be funny to decorate her!

There's that cute smile!

When everyone started laughing and thought she looked so cute, they couldn't just let her have all the fun!

Brock's family went to see the lights at Temple Square one night, so we headed to dinner at Crown Burger first. It just happened to be the same night as the David Archuletta/Mormon Tabernacle Choir show, and I'm pretty sure everyone came to Crown Burger first! It was so so crowded!

The kids tried to keep themselves entertained while waiting for dinner, as you can see!

My princess. She is eating her yummy puffs here. She is crazy about food. All food. Any food.

I had just gone to see the lights the night before with the Young Women, so Leila and I decided to call it a night after dinner and just let the boys go. They had lots of fun, but it was FREEZING!

My girlfriends and I had our annual Christmas party. Well, we had two. One with just the ladies, and this one with our families. I only got a picture of the girls though.
Lindsey, Jenn, Talitha, Me, Stephanie

We put lights up most years. And when I say "we" I mean Brock.

I decorated the inside with the kids. Nothing better than the smell of a real Christmas tree!

At school every year (daycare) the kids make an ornament with their picture on it. We have them since Jace's first Christmas! The boys love to see their old pictures, and put up those ornaments themselves.

I asked Jace to take a picture of me and Leila with the tree. This is what I got. Bad angle, and no tree.

Jace had to wait until Daddy got home to put the star on.

Leila got so so sick a couple of weeks before Christmas. She threw up everything she ate, and was just so lethargic. I was worried about dehydration, but the doctor gave me some signs to look for, and she didn't really have them.

Even at her sickest, she was still the sweetest baby!

And then she'd be asleep.

She was like this for a whole week. It was so sad.

One Sunday after church, I found the boys like this. I love that they both have their blankies. They always have to have their blankies.

Bath time is such a fun time at our house. Leila is really starting to hold her own with these two crazies!

She loves to splash and get the boys wet!

We're growing out Jace's hair, and we have had to start using conditioner and a brush! Have you noticed that he's at the age where he has to make a face in every picture? Yeah, I have.

Nixon seems to get hurt everywhere he goes! He had been climbing on a rocking chair at school. He managed to tip the chair over, and slam his eye on it in the process. OUCH! This was taken a couple days after.

And then, a couple days after that.

Luckily, it didn't affect his smile!

Since my parents are in Malaysia, my brothers and sister and I try to get together for our Christmas gift exchange. This year we met at 5 Guys and had lunch. Jace was our photographer.

Here I am with my siblings.

And I had to get one of Leila!

After lunch with my family, we headed to Ogden to watch Brock and Brett try the Flow Rider where you get to surf indoors. It was really cool. They both started out on the boogie boards.

Getting washed away!


The kids were keeping themselves occupied in all the nooks and crannies.

Next, they tried surfing while holding a rope to keep balance.




Then they got better and didn't need the rope.

Griffin and Leila were thrilled to be there.

By the end of the hour, they were both pretty much pros.


After that, we went to see the Ogden City lights. It rained on us the whole time. Well, sprinkled. This December was pretty mild, as far as winter goes. It hardly snowed, but it rained quite a bit.

The whole family. Leila is in the carseat asleep.

The flash was too bright for her.

I looked back to see Nixon like this. He was trying to keep warm.


Grandpa K and Jace

We decided to have a gingerbread decorating night. It ended up being the Handy's against the Keddingtons. Okay, it wasn't really a contest, but we had fun!

Somehow, it always seems to end up just being me.



Christmas Eve we always spend with Brock's mom's side of the family. We get together for a yummy steak dinner. Then we pop these popper things with prizes and these fun hats in them.
Here's our annual Christmas Eve hat picture.

Ian and Natalie

Brett, Kallie, Beckett, and Griffin

Brock's sisters and I all wore practically the same outfits! We had to get a picture! Gray sweaters with black leggings and black boots. I just happened to be the one wearing flat boots. As if I wasn't already short enough.

We let all the kids open one present. Their jammies.

The boys got Cars, and Leila just got some warm wintery cute ones!

I love that Nixon is kissing her hand. So sweet.

Then we attempted to get a picture of all the Keddington grandkids. This was the best one.
Leila, Nixon, Griffin, Jace, and Beckett

Stu and Chelsea got us these yummy looking cupcakes. The boys had to peek.

Then we took a second and let all the kids open their gifts from Brock's uncle Brian. He had been suffering with cancer for about a year, and passed away just about a week before Christmas. He had taken the time though, to make sure he got each of them a present. It was really sweet.

Right on the mark! Anything Toy Story is going to be a winner with our boys!

He even got Leila some cute sparkly pink shoes!

Then we attempted the Nativity. Leila made a cute angel.

The robes were a bit big, but there's the angel, a couple of Shepherds and the baby Jesus. Can't you tell?

Then we went home and wrote a note to Santa. Dear Santa, these brownies and Mt. Dew are for you! Thanks for all the presents! We happened to know that Santa's favorite drink is Mt. Dew, and we thought it would help keep him awake during the LONG night ahead.

We opened presents at our house first, and then headed over to Grandma and Grandpa K's house for more. Notice - No snow outside! Lame! I am not a lover of snow, or the cold, but it is pretty much required on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! It can melt and never come back after that, but come on! Rain? On Christmas?

Leila was super excited for her first Christmas!

First the boys found their stocking stuffers. They loved these finger lights!

Then it was time to open presents. We take turns, and it is so much fun.

Wait a second, what's in that box?

Oh, its Jace!

We had such a great Christmas. We got to talk to my parents on Skype. Times like these are so hard without them. They spent their holiday in Singapore. They are not living the hard life! We went to breakfast at Brock's uncle Gary's house, and then back to Grandma Bills for presents with the Bills. We were definitely spoiled again this year!

For New Year's Eve, we were invited to a party with some of our neighbors. We had it at our church, and everyone brought an appetizer to share, and some fun games. Jace and Nixon had so much fun with all the little kids. Jace would run around, and all the cute girls would chase him!

Here are some of the kids. Jules had painted their faces. My boys didn't want their faces painted.

Someone brought "Just Dance" for the Wii, and it was so much fun!
Madeline, Whitney, Gabby, Lynette, and Lyndsey

Then Brock even got in on it! He rocked it too! Got the best score on this round!

We put a movie on in the nursery for the kids. Despicable Me. They loved it.

Then, at about 10:30 we headed over to Brett and Kallie's house to ring in the New Year! They were all getting ready to go to bed! What? We brought the party back!
Nixon and Beckett both had their Buzz Lightyear pajamas on, and they were having fun pretending to be him.

"To infinity and Beyond!"

Then they started playing some games on the Wii.

leila and I watched.

She wanted to show off her awesome crawling skills.

Yeah, she doesn't crawl yet. And she doesn't care.

Some more Wii. The pictures aren't as fun as it was in person!

Nixon and Beckett went upstairs to watch Toy Story 3.

Then at midnight we ran outside and sprayed our silly string!

Jace getting Daddy.

Now everyone get Grandpa! Nixon got Grandpa right in the mouth. It was hilarious! I was seriously laughing so hard!

Our first picture of 2011! Maybe this should go in the January post!


  1. First things first, I loved the pink shirt you wore for New Years. Second the kids were so darling. Third Brock rocks!!! And fourth, we are roughing it being away from you and the kids.

    Loving and missing you.

    Love Mom

  2. Jen
    I love you and I love yoru blog but do you have to post the most unflattering pictures of me ever! I look like I am 500 lbs. in one and in the other I look just yucky!:) (and I think the only other picture i am in a swimsuit so you know what that means.) But all of the other ones are super cute and I love my Buzz Lightyears!

  3. I love that you left Mt. Dew for the big guy, we will have to do that next year. I started tearing up when you wrote about Brock's Uncle that passed away. What a sweet man to get the kids all gifts. P.s. did you know I check you blog? he he.

  4. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! Your kids are so cute! We all need to get together sometime its been a few years now.

  5. That was fun to catch up on everything and I need to get Adeline some cute outfits like Leila's. I loved them and her adorable shoes! And I totally agree, so lame not to have snow on Christmas!

  6. I love your mega-posts! They make me so happy. What a fun Christmas season, filled with lots of fun things to do! I'm so happy we are neighbors!
