Sunday, February 20, 2011

February Randoms

Every night the boys get story time with Daddy. I am never a part of this. It is definitely boys only time. He goes in, tucks them in, reads stories, says prayers, and kisses them goodnight. I caught this picture while Jace was in the bathroom right before bed. Daddy was reading to Nix. So precious. Every night, without fail, they have to hear "Goodnight Moon" and "Where the Wild Things Are". He's been reading these two for probably 2 years now. Maybe longer. So obviously, he doesn't read them. He just sits against the dresser and tells them. Jace even has them both memorized, and "read" "Goodnight Moon" to his class once last year. All the kids thought he was pretty cool.

Another part of their bedtime routine is watching a show after baths and before bed. They love to lay in mom and dad's bed for this.

We have been trying to grow out Jace's hair. We've tried it before, but his hair was so fine and thin so it never really looked to great. Well now that he's getting older, and his hair is so much thicker, I think it looks really cute. It still has a while to get where we want it to be, but we like giving him the Beiber due for now!

And here's Leila just being cute!

Gotta love the yawn picture! You can almost see her teeth!

1 comment:

  1. I loved all your new posts. Thanks so much for taking the time. Please, please don't do the Beiber (sp) look. I can't stand it!!

    Love Mom
