Sunday, February 20, 2011


Brock and I decided to start the "Insanity" workout program for our New Year's resolution to get toned up. It's pretty insane, but we have really really enjoyed it. The workouts are really hard, and super intense, but we have both gotten some really good results. Not huge weight loss, neither of us has a ton to lose, but we are both definitely seeing more definition. I'm pretty sure my stomach will never be what I want it to be, but I may just die trying. Okay, probably not since I can't stop eating everything in sight, but maybe one day I will! Brock works out in the morning after the kids and I leave, and then I work out when I get home from work. It used to be a struggle every day since the kids wanted to watch shows on the big TV, and they would cry and get mad. But now they are used to it, and now they wait until I'm done working out to fight about who gets to pick the first show. I have the nicest kids! Ha! They've mostly adjusted, and know that for the first hour or so after work, while I'm doing this:
and some of this:
They can be found doing this:

or this:

or maybe even this:

I usually have Leila in with me, and since she can't crawl yet it works out nicely. I surround her with toys and little snacks and she entertains herself. Sometimes she ends up getting too bored and falls asleep.
Jace plays his DS, or my iphone, or with his legos. He is pretty good at coming up with something to do.
Nixon always ends up in my room with a movie on, unless Jace is nice enough to let him have a turn on my phone. He's not hard to please.
Thanks kids for letting me have this time to myself!


  1. I've been wanting to try this program for a while. I think I may eventually! And HELLO!!! You look awesome! If only I could still wear a two piece! Darn kids...haha!

  2. Oh I am so excited about getting into stellar shape once and for all after this last baby gets here! My goal is to go with Cody to his twenty year reunion next summer and have everyone say "Dang Cody, your hot wife did NOT have five kids!" Ha ha, I am so vain. Good for you for getting into better shape!

  3. We started INSANITY before I got pregnant, so I only made it through the first month, but the results were incredible!! Good for you for doing it!

  4. Ahhhh! I am with you girl!! I am on my 10th day of P90X and I love it! It is so hard but feels so good after. I want to try Insanity after I have gone through the 90 days. Good for you guys! I work out in the AM before I go to work. 5:00 AM is horrible!!
