Saturday, February 5, 2011

Uncle Justin Came to Play!!!

My oldest brother Justin doesn't have any kids, and just loves to come hang out with our kids. Before I started working, he would come over once a week to just play with the boys. They play video games, and hide and seek, and pretend Justin is a monster chasing them. They LOVE when Uncle Justin knocks at the door! This week, Justin came over on Monday night and had dinner and FHE with us. The boys were so excited! Leila wasn't too sure of him at first, and got a big frowny face when he first picked her up. Then she started crying. I tried to assure her that even though he is big and scary looking with his goatee, he will be one of her favorite people to play with. She warmed up to him by the end of the night. Thanks for playing with my kids, and loving them like they were your own Justin!

I'm pretty sure Jace doesn't know how to smile for a picture anymore. He always has to be the funny one!

See, now she loves him!

Nixon saying goodbye with a big hug at the end of the night.

On another note, Leila still won't show me her teeth. I took like 20 pictures, and couldn't see her teeth in any of them! Little stinker. I swear they're there, and they are darling! I just love when they only have the two bottom teeth!
P.S. She had just eaten, so her face is still messy!


  1. That's so funny...I said the exact same thing in my tooth post about Nate a couple days ago. He just got his about a week ago. I just love those two bottom teeth! She is so precious! I'm sure you'll get that picture eventually :)

    And hey, I think it's hilarious that Jace makes those funny faces! I'm 100% certain that that will be Nate one day!

  2. Aren't uncles the best? My kids just ADORE my brothers. BTW, that bottom picture of Leila is beautiful. You should b&w that one and blow it up!

  3. You are so lucky to be close to family so they can come love on your kids. And that last picture of Leila is adorable! Can you believe our baby girls will be a year in like 2-3 months! does it make you a little sad (it does me).

  4. Sweet. I am glad Justin loves to visit your house and you make him so welcome.

    Love Mom
