Thursday, March 31, 2011

California Day 6

Sea World

Tuesdsay they headed to Sea World. I just love this picture of the boys with their maps. Every place we go, if they have a map, these boys need one. Jace loves to tell us where we are, and where to go next.

Grandma B got in on the map action too!

They got to feed the sea lions!

Here they are dropping the little fishies.

We always have to spend time on the playground

Grover and Elmo. Elmo is hugging Beckett, and Grover is hugging Jace and Nixon. You can't even see Nixon! Just his little legs hanging out!

Waiting to watch the Shamu show.


Touching the star fish

Jace got to go with Daddy on the roller coaster. He has a poncho so he doesn't get soaked!

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