Thursday, March 31, 2011

California Days 3-4

Universal Studios and Disneyland

Saturday we headed to Universal Studios. It was just our family for most of the day, but Brock's family flew in and met us there for a few hours.

I just had to get a few pictures of the little miss crawling! I love a crawling baby!

They have a really fun "Ball Room", and the boys had a blast!

While Brock was in line getting us some lunch, we played on the playground.

Here's Jace slowly turning the lever so that Nixon could have a ride.

And swinging

They were really excited to see Dora and Diego. They don't really watch their shows, but their cousin Beckett LOVES Diego, so they had to go say Hi! When Beckett showed up a few hours later, we were bummed that we didn't see them again.

Nixon was a little nervous around Spongebob. I had to walk him over.

3-D glasses for Shrek 4-D!

This is the entrance to the Simpson's ride. It's dark, but Jace is punching Krusty the Clown's uvula! Jace loved this ride!

We went into a super hero store, and Jace was mesmerized by all of the paraphernalia. He could have stared at this case for hours!

Sunday was spent at DISNEYLAND! It was a cold day, and rained on and off. We were prepared with ponchos though! Leila isn't sure what to think about it.

Here is the family on "Pirates"

Brock's Grandma got stuck holding Leila while we went on "Indiana Jones", and Leila thought she was so comfy!

If you know Jace, you know he LOVES Indiana Jones. Or Indiatta Jones if you ask him. We were so bummed that he was just a couple of inches too short to ride it. We told him to walk up to the guy on his tippy toes and we set his hat on his head so he would look tall enough. It didn't work. Lame. Here are the kids in the strollers while all the adults took turns on the ride.

You can't really tell, because it's so dark, but Buzz Lightyear was right behind us! We're in line for the ride.

You gotta get the "Sword in the Stone" picture, right?

Me and my cute baby girl!

On the Merry-Go-Round


Brett and Beckett

Me and Jace. Oh wait, Jace is too worried about making sure we are higher than everyone else, and they make the parent sit on the outside of the ride, so you can't really see him!

Daddy and Nix

Jace was tall enough to ride Space Mountain this year. I was so excited, but we were a little nervous that it might be too rough for him. I sat next to him, and wanted to see his face, but it is practically pitch black the whole ride. A few seconds into it I hear Jace yell out, "This is AWESOME!" Then a few seconds later, "I'm not even SCARED!" Then again, "This IS AWESOME!" "It's not even SCARY!" I was seriously in heaven! I had the biggest smile on my face! I just loved that he was having so much fun. It was the most fun I've ever had on a ride. He needed to go again right after, so Brock took him. So much fun! Tower of Terror, not so much. It's my favorite ride, so I was so excited that Jace was tall enough for it. This time I could see his face though, and he was not thrilled. We got off and I asked him if he liked it, he said, "No." I asked if it was scary, and he said, "Yeah, but I didn't scream." Next time buddy. You'll love it next time.

Leila had a nap while we all rode Space Mountain.

Best Buddies! I love Nixon's eyes in this one. You can tell just how much he loves Beckett!

Family picture at the happiest place on EARTH!

We had to get one with Mickey too!

I had to be back to work Monday (I guess they frown upon missing more than 2 and a half weeks at a time!) , so Leila and I got on a plane at 8:00 that night and headed back. I have to admit, I cried. I am so grateful to have a job with the economy as it is, but it's times like these that I wish I didn't! I just kept thinking about how much fun it was on that ride with Jace, and all of those experiences I would be missing over the next week. Maybe one day I will just be completely content with either working or not working. For now, I struggle knowing which is better. Anyway, we made it home after midnight that night, and I was so grateful for helpful strangers at the airport. Leila had fallen asleep on the plane, since it was way past her bed time. I had to carry her, my purse, and the diaper bag. Someone helped me get the diaper bag and offered to carry it for me. Then, I had to go wait for my HUGE suit case. I saw it coming and was holding all of the items mentioned before and unfortunately no one helped me get it off the belt. There were even two guys sitting right behind me. I got it off, and then had to go wait for a shuttle. When it came, there were so many people ahead of me in line, but they let me go ahead of them. Then a cute lady grabbed my 50 lb bag and put it on the bus for me. When my stop came she helped me get it off again, and then asked if she could help me to my car. I told her no. She was so sweet. We got home and I was in bed after midnight and had to set the alarm for 6:00am! So sad to be back to reality.

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