Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Malaysia Day 11-12

Musical Fireside My parents asked Julia to plan a musical fireside for while we were there. So, on Sunday, we did that. Julia picked a bunch of songs for us to sing. She sang a couple solos, my parents sang together, my dad and I, Julia and Dad, my dad, Julia, and I, Julia and I, all did songs. It ended up being very good, and very spiritual. We were kind of stressed throughout the week worrying about it, but we brought the music with us to Redang, so we had been practicing a little. It ended up being really good. (or so we were told!) We got a lot of compliments, and we were glad we did it. Shopping! We spent a day shopping. Downtown KL they have a really high-end mall that is just HUGE! I was in heaven. Here we are in front of the mall.

And here is the inside of the mall. It was amazing! I don't think these pictures do it justice, because it was 6 floors of amazingness! We ate lunch here with a couple of my mom's friends, and walked around for a bit.

I had to get this picture for the boys. They had a big super hero store.

Then it was off to China Town. So much fun! We got lots of good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such an amazing trip! What an awesome experience, I can't believe you got to ride an elephant!
