Saturday, May 28, 2011

Back Tickles

So, remember when you were a kid and it was always a fight to see who got to sit by mom in church so she could scratch your back? Well, that is what our lives have become. But not just in church. Pretty much any time we all sit down to watch TV, or a movie too. My boys always want me to scratch their backs...and their bellies, and arms, and legs, and faces. And whenever one of them asks, the other suddenly needs his done too. "Mommy, tickle my back please." "Mommy tickle my belly please." They have to say please. Daddy always offers, but for some reason he's not good enough! I guess it's the fingernails, or lack thereof.
Here is a cute picture of us the other night after dinner before jammies.

Leila loves getting back and face tickles too. She sits perfectly still as soon as I start. This is just a cute picture of her the same night.


  1. That is so funny...Lydia does the exact same thing, minus the please. I'm going to have to enforce this new rule. I had no idea this was something all kids did. And same for me, only I can do it right. Kids are so funny!

  2. That is so our house too! Everytime I tuck in Carson he wants cuddles and tickles on his back.
