Monday, July 25, 2011

24th of July Bountiful Parade

Saturday was the annual Bountiful Parade for the 24th of July. We had lots of fun, as usual, with 'Trice and Ted supplying tons of candy and pizza, water guns, and Shauna's famous "parade chex mix". Shauna and some of her friends slept over to save our spot, and it's nice to just show up at 6:00 when it starts, and not have to worry about a thing! We're pretty lucky!

Jace had a blast shooting everyone marching in the parade with his water gun. They loved it too since it was soooooo HOT!

Some of us watching the parade.

Brett and the boys spraying more people.

Somehow, we've figured out how to get all 3 kids in the double stroller. Jace doesn't mind being a little uncomfortable in the middle, as long as it means he doesn't have to walk - heaven forbid!

After the parade, there are fireworks at Mueller Park Junior High. One of Shauna's friends lives right next to it, so we always go to her house to watch. She has snow cones, cookies, brownies, donuts, and root beer floats. Too much fun! She has a fun little pool and hot tub, and we didn't bring swimming suits so the boys just dipped their feet while waiting for the show to start.

Natalie, Kallie, Griffin, and Brett enjoying the show.

Leila was loving it!

Jace was loving his snow cone.

We love July!


  1. What wonderful times and wonderful memories. I just love looking at all the pictures. Great post honey!

    Love Mom

  2. So fun! Oh my those kids are cute :)

  3. Love celebrating our Pioneer Heritage with a parade and fireworks! I love your cute little family.

  4. You are so sweet! Glad you like them. I am obsessed with Pinterest! Believe me, I would be pinning food too if I could eat it...but why torture myself! Anyway, my husband is pretty into working out so he took a bunch of things he knew I would eat and put it into a plan for me. I make sure I eat every two hours and try to rotate what I am eating whether it be fruit, protein, grains, etc. Typical day is greek yogurt w/ fruit and granola, cherry tomatoes & carrots, peanutbutter and honey sandwich on wheat, Skinny Cow treat (yummy!), piece of fruit, and then for dinner either eggs in a tortilla or chicken. Kind of boring but I substitute random crap in there to mix it up. Sorry for the crazy long post!
