Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Silly Leila

While I'm busy cleaning, in this case, emptying the dishwasher, Leila likes to find fun things to do to keep herself occupied. This day it was emptying the cupboard and then trying to fit into the bowl! This was after, of course, she had emptied out all of the silverware I had just put in the dishwasher.

"Let's see. If I could just get my other leg in here somehow..."

"TaDa! I did it Mom!"

"Now how in the heck am I supposed to get out of here??"


  1. She is so cute and in the picture where she is looking right at you I think she looks a lot like Nixon!

  2. This just made my day. I love that little girl. How lucky am I that I am the Granny!!!

    Love Mom

  3. She is just too cute! I love when our babies try to "help" put things away, even if it ends up taking us longer to do it.
