Wednesday, July 13, 2011

West Bountiful 4th of July Parade

Since Brett and Kallie moved right onto the street where West Bountiful has their parade, we have made it a tradition to go to their house, have yummy breakfast (this year Kallie made cinnamon rolls), and watch the parade. It was already really hot by the time it started at 10:00, so most people hung back by the house to be in the shade. The kids got lots of candy (mostly taffy), and we had lots of fun. I was excited to put Leila in her 4th of July outfit! Her bow gave me a glimpse into what it will be like when she has hair! Okay, not really, but I thought it was too cute!

Here she is with Daddy watching the parade.

Jace, Nixon, and Beckett hanging out in the shade.

Luckily Grandma K brought an umbrella!

My cute, festive kids.

I love dressing for 4th of July!

Leila's main mode of transportation was still crawling at this point.

Nixon wanted me to take his picture. He pulled this sweet pose out, and when I took the picture he said, "Was that a cool move?" He's into doing "cool moves" all the time, and asking us if we though it was cool.

Leila and Griffin can't get enough of each other. Every time they see each other, they both get so excited!

Cute Griffin. He's 6 months younger than Leila.

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