Monday, August 22, 2011

Jace's "Fake" First Day of Kingergarten!

In Utah, it is required that all kindergartners are tested their first week of school. So, today we had Orientation, and went to his classroom, met his teacher and other kids in the class. They got to go to the gym, the playground, the library, and have a treat. We also, as parents, had a lot of questions answered about this whole "French Immersion" thing. Brock and I were so excited, and Jace was too. We have been counting down the days, and it was finally here today! Tomorrow Jace will take his "test", and then they don't have school again until Monday. So I guess that will be his "real" first day of kindergarten, and I will probably do another post just for that!

Here he is, all ready to go.

I'm pretty sure we have the cutest 5 year old on the planet!

They went to their tables and found their names. Then sat on the carpet while their teacher talked to them for a bit. Here he is with Hailey and Ada from church.

Madame Taylor, as they will call her.

Then she read them a story. She seems really sweet.

We are really thrilled that Jace ended up getting into the French Immersion program at his school. It makes us a little nervous that we won't be able to help him with that part of school at all, but we just know that it is too good of an opportunity to pass on. We are so proud of our big boy, and just know he is going to love school so much!

1 comment:

  1. When you get a chance, I want to hear more about this French program. Sounds interesting! Regardless, Jace will do great!
