Monday, August 1, 2011

St. George

We are always so excited when we have an excuse to head to St. George and we get to see Nolan and Treo and their family. Well, Kash's 1st birthday was July 30th, so we all headed down on Friday and spent the weekend together. Everyone was able to make it except for Maria, and my mom and dad, of course. We had so much fun!

We stayed at the Worldmark Resort, and the first night uncle Dane got a game out for the kids. Here they are all lined up. This was kind of late, so Nolan and Treo had already gone home.
Nixon, Giada, Bella, Leila, Jace, and Leah

Uncle Dane getting the game all ready, and the kids trying to wait patiently.

They had to do all kinds of silly things like turn in circles with a book under their arm, or jump 3 times with a fan in their hand, or walk backwards around the chickamastick (or whatever it was called) with a rake between their elbows. I only got this one picture though. Nixon walking around the chickamastick on his tip toes, with a ball between his legs!

Leila was in heaven with all these big kids around! She was having so much fun hitting Bella with the floaties. Bella was sweet enough to keep letting her! Leila was laughing so hard every time Bella would yell OW!

She loved chasing all the kids around even though she was always a few feet behind. They'd run down the hall, and she'd chase after them. Then they'd all run past her the other way, and just as she was figuring it out and turning around, they were all running the other way. It didn't bother her though. She just kept laughing and trying to run after them.

The next day was the big day. Everyone gathered in our hotel room for pizza. Nolan asked Nixon to do a "cool face", and this is what we got.

Most of the kids eating pizza.

And the big man himself! Cute Kash.

After pizza, we all headed to the pool for some swimming. Nixon just ran and jumped right in! This kid has no fear!

Jace with uncle Justin. Jace was such a good swimmer on this trip. He kept throwing toys in, and then swimming to the bottom to get them. We don't know where it came from! He didn't even do swimming lessons this year.

Daddy and his princess.

Mommy loving on her sweet girl.

Leila and Kash loved this little kid pool. It was just their size.

Leila just wanted to walk all around by herself, which was really fun for me since she'd lose her balance every 10 steps or so and I'd have to save her life!

Bella, Julia, Me, Leila, Kash, and Treo's sister in law Jodi. Nixon in the back.

I bought Leila's swimming suit at the beginning of the season. When I found twinner bottoms in my own size, I just had to buy them! She wasn't too happy about me putting her on the ground.

It's okay little one.

We were able to get a couple group shots of all the grandkids on this trip. Here's one of them.

Jaylee, Kash, Bella, Leah, Aria, Jace, Leila, Nixon, and Giada

Aunt Treo always has to make sure to get a silly picture!

Daddy got some cute ones of me and the little miss.

The entire Sanders Clan. (Minus Maria and Granny and Grandpa)

Then it was back upstairs for cake, ice cream, and presents.

Not too sure about this...

Ooh, now this is fun!

Then when the balloons came out, he was over the cake, and loving the balloons! Literally, he climbed over the cake to get the balloons! He played with them for like 10 minutes, just hitting them, and loving every second of it! They were covered in cake by the time he was done, and so was everything else!

Treo got him bathed while we all ate cake and ice cream, and then it was time for presents.

That night we went to a yummy Mexican restaurant for dinner. Leila and Kash were keeping each other entertained with their straws.

Afterwards we went outside for more family pictures. Here's Jace, Nixon, and Jaylee.

All 9 Grandkids again. Besides Aria being a little mad in the carseat, a pretty good picture!

Me with my siblings. Dane and Justin in the back. Me, Nolan, and Julia in the front.

I love my family so much, and I'm so glad we get to hang out all the time. It will be even more fun when my parents come home in 8 months, and get to come to these kinds of things again. And if Maria ever graduates, maybe we'll see her again too :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your fun trips to St. George. It always looks like so much fun! You'll have to tell me about the Mexican restaurant you went to. I love me some good Mexican and we are heading to St. George soon!
