Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Just when I think Jace is getting too big, I catch him doing this, and it reminds me that he's still my baby boy.

He almost never naps anymore, but any time he even sees his blanket, the thumb goes in. It's pretty sweet. The best is when he's playing a game, and he has to pause it for a second to get a quick suck on the thumb. I ask him why it's paused, and he just says,"I needed to suck my thumb for a second." Then he wipes his thumb on his pants and continues with his game. It makes me laugh every time! Love this boy!


  1. Gosh, you took Leila's pacifier away, it is just about time to take the blanket away. These are the hard times.

    Love Mom

  2. I have a tender spot in my heart for thumb suckers! I love it!

  3. I love that Jace sucks his thumb every now and again. Like you said, it reminds you that he is still your little baby boy, as he always will be. I love all of your posts, and I'm so happy that everything went well with Leila's surgery. Fingers crossed this time it will work!
