Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Star of the Week

Since Jace's birthday was coming up, he got to be star of the week in his class at school. This means he takes a poster in with things he likes, and all during the week he gets special privileges, like being the line leader every time they went somewhere. It also meant that on Friday, Brock and I got to go be his special guests and talk about our Jace. He wanted suckers for everyone, so we brought that for a treat too.

Before we were up, they all sat in their seats and got started on their letters of the day - Y and Z.

Then, after they had all handed in their homework for the week, and put all of their things away, they were asked to come sit on the carpet. Brock went up with Jace and told all about his poster.

He likes to play soccer, and baseball, and watch football. He loves the Utes. He loves to read, and likes Spiderman and Batman. He loves to play the Wii, and Xbox, and his favorite show right now is Phineas and Ferb.

Then Jace was going to read one of his favorite books to everyone, but got a little nervous. The kids thought he was pretty funny. Little did they know how much he loves making everyone laugh! He kept egging them on.

Then it was daddy to the rescue to read the book for him.

It was so much fun to go to Jace's class and see him with all of his school friends. Jace is in the French Immersion program at his school, which means that half of his day is taught in French. As we were leaving, his teacher got her French necklace out. The kids know that once she puts the necklace on, she becomes Madame Taylor, and no longer speaks any English - at all. They all started yelling No! No! as soon as she got it. Then she put it on and started speaking in French, and all of the kids were laughing and talking back to her. It's pretty amazing how quickly they've been picking it up. Jace can already count to 20, say all of the colors and shapes, and many other phrases. His favorite right now is "a demain!", "au revoir!" Pronounced Aw dema, oh vwah. It means, see you tomorrow, bye! Jace has just loved being in Kindergarten.

1 comment:

  1. Jace is turning into such a little man. Literally, a man, he's just little. I love that he was star of the week. What a cutie!
