Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Parades and Parties

Friday was the day for Halloween at school since there is no school on Monday.  We got the kids all dressed up, and dropped them off.  Jace had his parade, and it was fun to watch him walk through.  His class was first, so that was nice too!  Then I snuck into his classroom to get a few pictures there.  He sure makes a cute Indiana Jones! 
Then it was off to Woods Cross High School for Nixon and Leila to go around to the classrooms for trick-or-treating.  I thought they'd be done by the time I got there, but Nixon was still out with the kids.  Leila stayed back because she had fallen asleep before they left.  She wasn't feeling very good that day.  Then all the kids came in, and were so excited.  They had been to a bunch of classrooms, and were coming back so that the first period girls could go to their next class, and the next girls could take them out again.  I asked Nixon if he wanted to go again, or just go home and he said he just wanted to go home.  Wha?  No kid of mine ever turns down free candy!  It was a good thing though, because it was about 10:45 at this point, and I had totally forgotten that Fridays are early out days for Jace and school was over at 10:50!  That gave me 5 minutes to get there.  We made it ( a little late), and then headed to daddy's work for his Halloween party.  We had a yummy lunch, and walked around to all the offices and cubicles there.  Brock won 2nd place for his costume (Slash), and I was the only spouse to dress up!  It was pretty awesome.  The kids colored, and played, and ate candy and treats.  Then we headed home.  We dropped them off at Dale and Shauna's that afternoon around 4:30 so that Brock and I could head out to Orem for our race the next morning.  (Next Post)  It was a busy busy Friday.  I just love this time of year!

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