Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This year there was no school on Halloween, and with me no longer having a job, that meant sleeping in!  My work was having a party though, and wanted me to bring the kids in, so I did.  That was at about 2:30.  It was fun to see everyone dressed up, and say bye to everyone.  Then it was back to our house for dinner before we went trick-or-treating.  The boys wanted to go with the Andrews across the street, so we waited until about 6:30 before we started.  It was the most beautiful night I've ever seen on Halloween!  The kids didn't even need to wear jackets!

Here they are before they went. 
While we were waiting, and trying to eat dinner, the doorbell must have rung 15 times!  The kids loved answering the door and handing out the candy to all the kids.

 Then it was finally time!  Brock stayed back to give candy to the kids and I walked around with our kids. My legs were still so so sore from the race, and I thought it would be better to walk around, than have to get up and down and up and down a million times to hand out candy.  We ended up going with about 7 or 8 other kids.  It was a little crazy.  They had a blast, but the bigger kids wanted to run to each house, and the little kids were taking their sweet time, so there was a lot of yelling for people to wait, and others to hurry.  It was fun though.  We were only out for about an hour, and when I asked the boys if they wanted to keep going they both said no.  I was just fine with that. 

We came back and got in jammies.  Our latest trick-or-treaters came at about 8:15.  I can not complain about that.  It was a pretty good night.  I had to get a few pics of Leila in her Halloween jams.  They glow in the dark, and are so cute!  Maybe next year I'll get them for all three kids!

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