Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day!

Long Day = Long Post
Unfortunately for poor Nixon, our morning started around 6:45am with Nix throwing up.  I was so mad!  Our entire family just went through this bug a couple of weeks ago, and we thought we were so glad we had gotten it out of our systems before Christmas.  We were wrong.  He threw up again before we went downstairs.  It wasn't horrible, just a little bit of clear liquid.  He seemed to perk up a bit, so we gathered the kids and they all headed down the stairs together to see if Santa had come.

He CAME!!!

He even took the time to thank us for the yummy treats!

Leila was still pretty tired, and not sure she wanted to be awake for this.

Jace thought bringing her a present would wake her up.  He was right!

A doggy!

I finally have a child who loves getting clothes!  She held on to these and hugged them, and didn't want to let them go!  It was quite a proud moment for me!

Aunt Julia came and spent the night with us so that she could witness the special magical time that Christmas morning is for kids.  At one point, Nixon got really quiet, and had a sad look on his face.  We asked what was wrong, and he said, "I never got to tell Julia that I'm sick."  So he walked over to tell her.

I was so excited to give Leila her first baby doll.

I was so glad that she loved her baby!

This is the big box from Granny and Grandpa in Malaysia. 

Brock surprised me with an IPad 2! 

Jace got just what he wanted from Santa, Pirates of the Caribbean for his DS.  He had to play it immediately.
Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa K's for some more spoiling.  Nixon took a turn for the worse at this point.  It was so so sad.  He could hardly move, and just wanted me to hold him the whole morning.  As presents would get passed his way, he would turn his head to watch me open it, and couldn't even get excited.  We had to get up about 4 or 5 times so he could throw up some more.  It was truly awful.  There is nothing worse than being sick on Christmas.  He was so weak, and could hardly stand up at the toilet to throw up.  Then, he gave in and fell asleep amid all the craziness of everyone else opening presents, and all of the excitement and fun.  We saved the rest of his presents for later.  The rest of us, however, had so much fun, and got SPOILED!  Since I am the one who usually takes all the pictures, and I was busy holding Nixon, we didn't get many pictures here. 
Such a cute purse!

The boys all got Utah helmets, but of course, Nixon didn't want to put his on.

So so sad.

Leila was so excited about all the new clothes she got!  She wanted to carry them everywhere!

I can't believe it, but I actually surprised Brock!  I got him this metal Utah sign that he can hang in his office.  It doesn't look like it in the picture, but it's super heavy duty.  It's really heavy, and good quality.  He loved it, and I'm so glad!

The boys all got these bow and arrow sets, so Jace had to take his out to play with it. 

Luckily the weather was perfect for playing outside!  No white Christmas this year!
We had to show off our pj's. 
Then we had our delicious breakfast of scones, hash browns, and bacon.  I think I could eat scones with honey butter all day.  They are so good!  Nixon was still feeling sick at this point, and wouldn't eat.  He threw up one more time, and then seemed to perk right up!  He started eating, and then when he saw his pile of presents still sitting there, he got so excited to open them.  Brock and I were so happy that he felt better! 

Then we had to head home to get ready for church.  Julia was singing in my parent's ward, so all of the Sanders kids minus Nolan went to their ward for church.  She did a great job, and we went to Dane and Annie's afterwards for lunch and more presents.  Here are the kids all dressed up in their Christmas church clothes.  Nolan and Treo weren't able to make the trip up from St. George because they're in the middle of moving, so they were busy packing, and doing other things.  They were missed, as were Granny and Grandpa.  This is their last year in Malaysia, and we're so glad we get to be with them on Christmas next year!


Our festively dressed family at Dane and Annie's.  Nixon started feeling sick again.
At Dane and Annie's we had yummy sandwiches, with lots of snacks, and salad too.  We played board games, then opened presents, then went downstairs to play Wipeout on their new Kinect for the XBox.

Playing games

Jace and Leah
Justin and Maria

Leila got a present from Dane and Annie's girls

Jace and Nixon got one from the girls too.  Nixon had thrown up again, and gotten it on his sweater, so he's just wearing his under shirt.  He felt better after a nap.

All the cute girlies opening their presents from our kids.

Brock and I had Julia this year.  She got a cute new cardigan and some shoes.

Julia had Justin and Maria, and got them a gift card.

Justin and Maria had Dane and Annie

He had filled the box with random items like this blanket that we all though was for them, but no.  This is their blanket.  The real gift was Wipeout for the XBox. 

The kids minus Aria who was napping. 
We went downstairs to play Wipeout.  It was pretty funny.

Uncle Justin teaching Leila how to spin.

Leila just thought everyone was dancing, and joined in

Then she needed to take a rest

Julia and I had to give it a try

More of silly Leila

I'm trying to climb up something.  Don't judge.


There were lots of things downstairs to keep Leila occupied.

We were glad we were able to see my family on Christmas.  Then it was time to go back to Grandma B's for dinner and yes, more presents!  It never ends!

Leila loves Grandpa K!

A huge Toy Story blanket!

Jace was the deliverer of all of the presents

Ooh, Leila got a Princess blanket.  Her first Princess thing!

She loved this pretty skirt!  So did I!

Uncle Randy got a rake and wheel barrow

Shauna, Dale, JR, Chloe, and Steve

Leila had fun playing Peek-a-Boo with Nixon's blanket

Then came baseball with wrapping paper balls
Tess, Randy, Grandma B, Brock, Me, Leila, and Jace
Such a long day!

Christmas this year was filled with so much JOY!  There just isn't any better time of the year for me.  I love all the parties with friends and family.  The eating, the treats, the cards and presents, and the stories of the Savior.  What a wonderful time of year.  I can't believe another one has come and gone.


  1. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Your family is darling! Sorry your little guy got sick. Nothing worse!

  2. I was reading this post and thought your day was almost over but then it said you ate breakfast! Man you guys had fun filled day!
    Sorry about Nixon - darn it! That poor kid
    Love that Leila got clothes and a doll - she totally makes me laugh with her adorable cute faces she makes.
    Wipe out!!!! What a fun game. Merry CHristmas! Your day looked awesome (besides the sick baby) oh and we can now text each other from our ipads :)
