Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kindergarten Class Party

I was lucky enough to get to help with Jace's class Christmas party on Tuesday.  I was the story reader, and thanks to my friend Jules, I read "The Polar Express", and I had made necklaces for all of the kids with a bell on it.  They loved it!  I just loved seeing Jace interact with all of his friends.  When I got there he was outside at recess, so I just sat at the window and watched him.  Every day when I ask him what he did at school, pretty much all he tells me is that he played soccer at recess.  I finally got to see him in action!  It was so fun to watch him play, and laugh, and having so much fun.  I tell Brock all the time that I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch him at school.  When they came in from recess he saw me, and ran over to give me a huge hug.  I had to soak it in because I know this won't be his reaction for much longer!  Anyway, they had several stations.  Some with games, some with crafts, one where they got to decorate a cookie, and then story time with me.  It was really fun.  I tried to get a picture at all of the stations, but since I was reading, I missed a couple of them.
This is Jace swinging his necklace around after story time.

I read to Jace's table first.  This is the orange table with their necklaces.

 Here he is playing Bingo
And his empty plate where his decorated cookie was before he ate it!

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